Greenwich Time

Giving Day lets everyone ‘give where you live’


Dear editor,

Feb. 25 is our region’s biggest philanthro­pic event of the year — Fairfield County’s Giving Day! It is a 24-hour online giving marathon designed to amplify and contribute to the amazing work of more than 400 nonprofits in our local communitie­s.

As the effects of the coronaviru­s continue to impact our region and increase demand for nonprofits’ services, I encourage residents to “give local” to support the organizati­ons that are key to the health, wellness and vitality of our local community.

As a Greenwich resident and an employees of champion sponsor Bank of America, I encourage our neighbors to consider participat­ing in Fairfield County’s Giving Day by supporting nonprofits in our community. Many of these organizati­ons need our support to keep their doors open and sustain their operations as they continue to help those who have been impacted by the current health and humanitari­an crisis.

I feel strongly about Giving Day because of its focus on supporting the organizati­ons providing critical services directly to those in need, and those that enhance our community’s vitality, including youth and education groups, the arts, and environmen­tal organizati­ons. Giving Day also falls in line with Bank of America’s commitment to driving economic mobility. Your contributi­ons on Giving Day will help make an important impact right here in Fairfield County. Donate from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on

Fairfield County Giving Day: 24 hours to give where you live!

Glenn Feigin is resident director, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Bank of America. He is a Greenwich resident with an office in Greenwich.

Humanity at war with ‘mother’

Humanity has made planet Earth into its pincushion! We have driven high rise buildings into its sides, stabbed it with oil rigs, drained its liquids to burn as fuels or convert to plastic to foul the oceans, dug mercilessl­y into its innards to pillage its treasure for our vanity, killed 70 percent of our decorative fellow creatures for false medicines, coats, and good luck charms, or just for “fun.”

Magically floating along in an infinite sea of blackness, the Earth’s gorgeous and unique radiance has been transforme­d by us into the mother image of its minions, its children. The coronaviru­s is not wearing a crown but is, rather, pockmarked baby earths by the millions, mocking its murderers, us!

Likely, humanity will not be the winners in this war with its “mother.” The planet’s viral children have no mind of their own, but are driven to change by their angry parent, who must eliminate the destroyers in order to preserve its self. How ironic that the “American Dream” has spread to formerly agrarian and desert societies who have built soaring cities and embedded more and more skyscraper­s into the flesh of the planet, until the screams of pain of the tortured flesh of our earth are heard throughout the universe! This is no science fiction movie; this is the tragic result of us not recognizin­g how insignific­ant we truly are, and how short-sighted.

Maxwell P. Wiesen Greenwich

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