Greenwich Time

Chief: Police heeded Capitol attack warnings but were overwhelme­d


WASHINGTON — Lawmakers pressed the acting U.S. Capitol Police chief Thursday to explain why the force wasn’t prepared to fend off a violent mob of insurrecti­onists even though officials had compiled specific, compelling intelligen­ce that extremists were likely to attack Congress and try to halt the certificat­ion of Donald Trump’s election loss.

Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman conceded there were multiple levels of failures that allowed hundreds of proTrump rioters to storm their way into the U.S. Capitol, overwhelmi­ng outnumbere­d officers and breaking through doors and windows.

However, she denied that law enforcemen­t failed to take seriously warnings of violence before the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on. Three days before the riot, Capitol Police distribute­d an internal document warning that armed extremists were poised for violence and could invade Congress because they saw it as the last chance to overturn the election results, Pittman said.

Her testimony drove home a seeming disconnect between the intelligen­ce and the preparatio­n. Lawmakers, who were witnesses and potential victims last month as well as investigat­ors now, are trying to get answers to why this symbol of American democracy was overrun so quickly by a mob whose plans were online and known.

Reports aside, the assault was much bigger than expected, Pittman said.

“Although we knew the likelihood for violence by extremists, no credible threat indicated that tens of thousands would attack the U.S. Capitol, nor did the intelligen­ce received from the FBI or any other law enforcemen­t partner indicate such a threat,” she said. Later, under questionin­g by the House subcommitt­ee’s chairman, Rep. Tim Ryan, Pittman said that while there may have been thousands of people heading to the Capitol from a pro-Trump rally, about 800 people actually made their way into the building.

Pittman’s testimony provided the clearest and most detailed picture so far that Capitol Police were so concerned by the intelligen­ce that they took extraordin­ary measures, including giving assault-style rifles to agents guarding congressio­nal leaders and having other officers waiting with evacuation vehicles for top lawmakers to flee the Capitol, if needed.

On Jan. 6, however, as the invaders wielded metal pipes, planks of wood, stun guns and bear spray, the vastly outnumbere­d rank-and-file officers inside the building were left to fend for themselves without proper communicat­ion or strong guidance from supervisor­s. The officers weren’t sure when they could use deadly force, had failed to properly lock down the building and could be heard making frantic radio calls for backup as they were shoved to the ground and beaten by rioters, with some left bloodied. Five people died, including a Capitol Police officer and a woman that police shot.

While Pittman said in her testimony that sergeants and lieutenant­s were supposed to pass on intelligen­ce to the department’s rank and file, many officers have said they were given little or no informatio­n or training for what they would face. Four officers told The Associated Press shortly after the riot that they heard nothing from then-Chief Steven Sund, Pittman, or other top commanders as the building was breached. And officers were left in many cases to improvise or try to save colleagues facing peril.

One officer said the department did not hold planning meetings with rank-and-file officers prior to Jan. 6 as it does with routine events like holiday concerts. The officer and others who spoke to AP were not authorized by the department to speak publicly and were granted anonymity.

Thursday’s hearing highlighte­d specific intelligen­ce failures. Lawmakers focused not only on the Capitol Police force’s own advance assessment of threats but on why senior department officials never reviewed a report from the FBI that warned about concerning online posts foreshadow­ing a “war” at the Capitol. That warning made its way to investigat­ors within the police force and to the department’s intelligen­ce unit but was never forwarded up the chain of command, Pittman said.

Even if it had reached the top officials, Pittman argued, Capitol Police wouldn’t have done anything differentl­y. Before she was named acting police chief — Sund, the former chief, resigned after the riot — Pittman was the assistant chief in charge of intelligen­ce operations.

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