Greenwich Time

Son regrets his treatment of father

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I brought my 68-year-old immigrant father to live with me permanentl­y with the intention of caring for him. He was completely dependent. Halfway through the year, I got angry, told him to move back and vowed to myself I would never ever care for him again. It wasn’t that he did anything wrong; I don’t know why I got so angry.

He wound up living alone, being helped by his friends. I visited him, but I became disconnect­ed. I knew he was suffering, but I couldn’t bring myself to bring him back to live with me. I was extraordin­arily cruel, and it hurt him deeply. He passed away two years later.

Since then, I have been overwhelme­d with guilt. As a son, I should have cared for my father. I am depressed over my actions. I am a horrible son. I have been crying and asking for forgivenes­s. Please tell me how I can move forward.

Guilt-Ridden in the West

Dear Guilt-Ridden: If you are religious, talk about this with your clergypers­on. If you aren’t, please consider scheduling some appointmen­ts with a licensed mental health profession­al who can help you more fully understand what happened between you and your father and help you cope with your guilt.

Dear Abby: I have been married to a functionin­g alcoholic for more than 30 years. He was once funny and nice and a good dad. But over the years he has become unbearable to live with. He doesn’t shower or brush his teeth. He was always mainly a beer drinker, but now he is drinking hard liquor and stays drunk most of the time he is awake.

I told him I thought he was depressed and a severe alcoholic, and he should talk to his doctor, but he refuses. He walks around cursing under his breath, and nobody wants to be around him.

I keep him off the road when he has been drinking, but I’m terrified he will hurt someone. I am pretty sure he is drinking on the job, and I’m scared he will hurt himself. I am ready to leave him, but afraid that if I do, he will be completely lost. Please guide me.

Lost in the South

Dear Lost: Because he refuses to talk to his doctor about this, you should. I have mentioned Al-Anon many times in my column. You will gain insight about what to do next if you attend some of their meetings. Find one by going to

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