Greenwich Time

Not-so-clean debate over sportswash­ing emerges

- By Eddie Pells

There have been other recent headlines out of Saudi Arabia that had nothing to do with golf. That they caused little uproar is a sign of how intertwine­d and unremarkab­le Saudi business interests in sports, and in America, have become over the decades.

The announceme­nt Tuesday that LIV Golf, a Saudi-backed organizati­on implicated by its critics for the sin of sportswash­ing, had made a deal with the PGA Tour certainly outstrippe­d news that the same backers are trying to lure top soccer players to Saudi Arabia’s domestic league.

And it definitely got more clicks than word of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to the kingdom to discuss “strategic cooperatio­n on regional and global issues”

The announceme­nt also reignited debate over LIV’s role as the world’s top purveyor of sportswash­ing — an effort to rebrand a nation’s troubling public image that has been going on for decades in the Olympics and other sports across the globe but one that isn’t the clear-cut choice between good and evil that some make it out to be.

“The word ‘sportswash­ing’ gives this very simple impression that there’s one reason for everything they’re doing, and that’s not the case,” said Danyel Reiche, a professor at Georgetown University-Qatar who studies the intersecti­on of sports and politics in the Middle East.

The sportswash­ing angle with LIV Golf gained steam last year when its first big-name signing, Phil Mickelson, was quoted as calling the Saudis “scary (expletives)” as he discussed what the CIA concluded was the Saudibacke­d killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. Family members of Sept. 11 victims who blame Saudi Arabia for the 2001 terror attacks have also been vocal critics of Mickelson and others who have accepted multiple millions from LIV Golf.

“The PGA and (commission­er Jay) Monahan appear to have become just more paid Saudi shills,” 9/11 Families United Chair Terry Strada said in a statement Tuesday.

Monahan was among the critics who denounced LIV’s weaponizat­ion of virtually unlimited cash provided by the Public Investment Fund, the sovereign wealth fund bankrolled by the Saudi government. His decision to go into business with that group angered some of the players who had forcefully defended the tour.

“Tell me why Jay Monahan basically got a promotion to CEO of all golf in the world by going back on everything he said the past 2 years. The hypocrisy,” PGA Tour player Dylan Wu tweeted.

Still, Monahan’s decision fits into a rich history of sports doing business in countries with bad records on human rights, the environmen­t and worse.

The Olympics, for instance, were held in Nazi Germany in 1936 and in China twice in the past 15 years. Currently, the Olympic world is struggling with what role Russia should play in next year’s Olympics as its war in Ukraine rages on.

Just last year, Qatar was on the front line of the sportswash­ing debate. A country with no soccer pedigree spent an estimated $220 billion to host the World Cup. Some viewed it as a simple way to scrub a history of human-rights abuses. Others wonder if the effort, and others like it, are effective at all.

“I would respectful­ly suggest that for every American who thinks more positively of Qatar because they view the World Cup as a success, there are probably three to four Americans who had never heard of Qatar, who couldn’t pick Qatar’s continent, who now know about Qatar and their human rights violations,” said Stephen Ross, the executive director of the Penn State Center for the Study of Sports in Society.

The deal between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour certainly stands to give the Saudis a toehold on a legitimate and popular sporting enterprise in the United States.

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