Guymon Daily Herald

Meandering­s of a Minister

What Can I Learn Before I Vote?


Over the last several weeks, I have been researchin­g the various candidates for political office and God has spoken to me about what I have learned. What have I learned that could possibly also apply to the Christian life? Below is a summary:

I need to know as much as possible about the Bible in order to participat­e in the Christian life to its fullest. As I have studied in preparatio­n for voting, I have learned that we must be informed on the issues, the parties and the candidates, as well as the electoral system, in order for us to make an informed decision. This applies to living the Christian life as well. It is not enough just to have our pastor do all the studying for us and then tell us what to believe. We need to know for ourselves so we can know if our preacher is right!

Not everyone who presents himself or herself as a Christian is a born again believer in Jesus Christ. People call themselves what they want to make themselves feel better, to get votes, to avoid controvers­y, or simply to get elected, but in order to find out about a candidate, you need to study them and know them and evaluate their performanc­e to determine where they really stand. It is the same for me. If I claim to be a Christian, so what? When I look at my life and my living for Jesus, what does that show? I may be just trying to be better so I can impress someone or ease my conscience, but who am I really and over the long run? This will tell more about me.

Public opinion polls can’t always tell what is really going on. We have seen the lead in the race fluctuate back and forth, but we really only know the answer when the votes are cast. We need to be careful not to listen to friends and family as they try to tell us how to live, because they probably don’t know either. We must look into and study God’s Word to see how He would have us live. We must ask Him in prayer if we lack answers. It we simply do what everyone else is doing, we just may be following them over the side of the cliff.

It really doesn’t matter near as much what party you belong but what you do and believe. It is what you live out that shows you are right with God or not. Similarly, it does not matter what denominati­on you belong to as long as you are being taught the Word of God and have surrendere­d your life to Christ. As you live this out, your actions will show whether or not you are right with God. Let’s face it. There won’t be denominati­onal sections in Heaven, just people from every tongue, tribe and nation focused on the Lamb looking as though it were slain. (See Revelation 5).

As you prepare to move through the election and into the Christmas season, why not take time to consider these lessons and ask yourself some hard questions, like, “Am I living for Christ with all my heart?” “Do I hate sin in my life more?” “Do I love others more?” “Do I hunger for God’s Word more?” These are the issues that will help you to determine if you are on God’s side. Remember! When all is said and done, you will answer for your votes just like you will answer for your life. Will it result in reward? Or will it count for naught?

 ??  ?? DR. & MRS. JACK JACOB

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