Guymon Daily Herald



- Venus Square Neptune By Holiday

Living lightheart­ed will be easy when you stay in your own business. But sticking to your plan is made challengin­g by people who try to enlist you in theirs. It’s a contradict­ion, but staying your purpose with vigilance is what allows you to be free-spirited and playful.

arieS (March 21-April 19). You’re independen­t and will resist all help. You want to do it your way. You don’t want to be indebted. You like what you’re learning. You want to improve. And you’ll get satisfacti­on knowing you did it on your own.

TauruS (April 20-May 20). Love hurts, but so do a lot of things that masquerade as love. There’s a power dynamic to work out. It doesn’t have to be solved in a day, but with boldness, it could be.

Gemini (May 21-June

21). Convincing someone to like you, buy from you or agree to your plan will be a bit like grabbing at space. The very goal belies its aim. Build the attractive aspects up until they are undeniable and impossible to resist.

CanCer (June 22-July 22). You’re excellent at prioritizi­ng. You’ll accomplish the time-sensitive job, then you’ll handle the one on the back burner and about 17 other tasks before lunch. You’re getting ahead of the rush.

leo (July 23-Aug. 22). You enjoy a person because of who that person is, not what they have or what they can do for you. Your lack of social agenda keeps the good vibes flowing and makes you all the more lovable.

VirGo (Aug. 23-Sept.

22). Power move: Know your weaknesses, but spend very little time on them. You don’t need to remedy, hide or apologize for what you’re not good at. Just double down on your talents, and it all works out fine.

liBra (Sept. 23-Oct.

23). The adoption of better beliefs will change everything for you. And today, this will come at the perfect cost: free, or close to free. In some cases, you’ll have to drop the old belief, but that price will be a pleasure to pay.

SCorPio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’re clearheade­d and deliberate. Even when emotions of those around you get hot and cold, creating a chaotic swirl, you’ll remain still -- the calm eye of the storm.

SaGiTTariu­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). What you can’t overcome with sheer will or force you can overcome with something more powerful: patience. Something as soft as water can turn a mighty mountain into sand, given enough time and repetition.

CaPriCorn (Dec. 22Jan. 19). The heavyweigh­t boxing champion Gentleman Jim Corbett famously said, “You become a champion by fighting one more round.” Regardless of how you feel, when the bell rings, you’ll get up and do what you have to do.

aQuariuS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). No need to take directions too literally. The same goes for suggestion­s, expectatio­ns and the meaning of events. This is all up for interpreta­tion and the looser you go with that today, the better.

PiSCeS (Feb. 19-March 20). There is no greater law than attraction. It keeps the planets in place and the atoms follow its rules. Attraction moves the tides and creates the diversity of life. You’ll gladly find yourself in its spell today.


(Oct. 26). Risk it. You are extraordin­arily lucky for the next 41 days. Your instincts will push toward teaching the young, caring for the old and being available to all with the wisdom you’ve earned in recent years. A happy moment comes in the form of birth. Also, you’ll defend something that needs your strength. Capricorn and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 30, 2, 28 and 40.

HALLOWEEN PANTHEon: mummieS: The ancient alien theorists suggest that Egyptians developed the mummificat­ion process to save specimens on Earth so that they might one day, with advances in DNA technology, be Jurassic Park-style reanimated as clones. Most others believe that mummificat­ion was just one of the many rituals ancient Egyptians practiced in hopes of a good afterlife. Both theories bring up questions: When does this rich afterlife ensue in theory? Because thousands of years later, it still seems like a flat scene. And what sort of hobbies might a reanimated ancient Egyptian enjoy in, say, 2080, when most lives are lived virtually anyway... Will we even need to inhabit bodies?

Anyone who’s ever pondered an actual mummy, say, in a museum or curio shop, understand­s firsthand the creepiness of coming face-to-face with mortality, or immortalit­y -- however you look at it. Metaphoric­ally, the mummy recalls any area of life we wish weren’t dead but is. It’s regret, loss, desperatio­n and mourning that is hard (if not terrifying) to face and just as hard to let go of because there’s something oddly fascinatin­g about the preservati­on of what was once so vitally, uniquely alive.

CeleBriTy ProFileS:

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born when both the sun and Venus were in the fixed sign of Scorpio. Whatever position she is filling, be it first lady, senator, secretary of state, presidenti­al candidate, wife, mother or grandmothe­r, she’s resolute in the role. Other prevalent energies in Clinton’s natal chart include Leo, which offers a comfort level with the spotlight, and Pisces, lending enhancing intuition.

Write Holiday Mathis at HolidayMat­ COPYRIGHT 2021 CREATORS.COM

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