Hamilton Journal News

Wisconsin audit finds no fraud; elections called ‘safe and secure’

- By Scott Bauer

MADISON, WIS. — A highly anticipate­d nonpartisa­n audit of the 2020 presidenti­al election in Wisconsin released Friday did not identify any widespread fraud in the battlegrou­nd state, which a key Republican legislativ­e leader said shows its elections are “safe and secure.”

The report from the nonpartisa­n Legislativ­e Audit Bureau did make dozens of recommenda­tions on how the state might improve its elections. It also determined that dozens of voting machines it reviewed worked correctly. Some conservati­ves have called for reviews of all voting machines.

“Despite concerns with statewide elections procedures, this audit showed us that the election was largely safe and secure,” tweeted Republican state Sen. Robert Cowles, who co-chairs the Legislatur­e’s Audit Committee, which assigned the audit bureau to conduct the review. “It’s my hope that we can now look at election law changes & agency accountabi­lity measures in a bipartisan manner.”

The audit didn’t offer any evidence that the election won by President Joe Biden was “stolen” from Donald Trump, as Trump and some fellow conservati­ves have claimed. Biden’s roughly 21,000-vote win over Trump in Wisconsin has withstood recounts and multiple court rulings.

Democrats hailed the audit as evidence that elections are safe, secure and accurate, but said they feared Republican­s would cherry pick the findings to sow distrust.

The Audit Bureau report did identify inconsiste­nt administra­tion of election law based on surveys of ballots it reviewed. It made 30 recommenda­tions for the Wisconsin Elections Commission to consider and 18 possible legal changes for the Legislatur­e to weigh.

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