Hamilton Journal News

Time for roof inspection

- Heloise Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally, but will use the best hints received in

Dear Readers: With cold winter weather approachin­g, this is the time to give your roof a visual inspection. Here is a safe way to do it. Get a ladder and use binoculars to examine the roof. If this task seems daunting, hire a profession­al to do the job. Here’s what should be done.

1. Check for loose or missing shingles or cracks in tiles. All need to be repaired.

2. Look at the flashing to be sure it’s secure. Also check the flashing around the chimney.

3. Examine the top of the chimney closely. Make sure nesting material from squirrels or birds nests are removed, so it doesn’t block the chimney and create a fire hazard.

4. Closely check the eaves and gutters. Remove tree debris and anything else that could clog them. Make certain they are attached firmly to the roof or sides of your home. —

Fire safety

Dear Readers: All homes should have working fire extinguish­ers placed in the kitchen and elsewhere around the home where they might be needed. Always keep several boxes of baking soda on hand, too. Here’s what you can do if you have a small kitchen emergency.

Use baking soda to douse a small fire. Toss a handful over the flames; it produces carbon dioxide, which will quell the fire. Do not use flour or cornstarch, because they can be combustibl­e. And NEVER toss water on a grease fire, because it can splatter and cause the fire to spread. —

Make your own frozen dinners

Dear Readers: If you have lots of leftovers, don’t throw them out. Instead, use them to make your own frozen dinners. Get heavy-duty plastic plates with com- partments. Scoop leftover portions into each section of the plate. Put them in freezer-safe bags, label and freeze. When you need a meal in a hurry, pull them out and heat in the micro- wave. —

Repotting plants

Dear Readers: If you need to repot plants, here’s how to do it so the plants will do well in the new pots. Pour out any dirt and clean the pot thoroughly, so you don’t spread plant diseases. Mix several spritzes of dish- washing detergent with hot water to clean the pots well. Then soak the pots in a mix- ture of one part chlorine bleach to eight parts water. Rinse completely and dry well before adding plants and dirt. —

Water bowls

Dear Readers: Are your regular pet water bowls too small for your large dogs? Here’s an idea: Repurpose old, small ice coolers that you aren’t using. Fill with water for your big dogs! —

Pet pal

Dear Heloise: This is Spike, my happy 4-year-old rescue. — Judith Thomp- son, via email

Dear Readers: To see Spike, go to www.Heloise. com and click on “Pet of the Week.” —

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