Hamilton Journal News

GOP officials to Jan. 6 panel: We fought pressure from Trump

- By Lisa Mascaro and Farnoush Amiri

The House 1/6 committee outlined on Tuesday Donald Trump’s relentless pressure to overturn the 2020 presidenti­al election, aiming to show it led to widespread personal threats on the stewards of American democracy

election workers and

— local officials who fended off the defeated president’s efforts.

The panel investigat­ing the Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the U.S. Capitol resumed with a focus on Trump’s efforts to undo Joe Biden’s victory in the most local way — by leaning on officials in key battlegrou­nd states to reject ballots outright or to submit alternativ­e electors for the final tally in Congress. The pressure was fueled by the defeated president’s false claims of voter fraud which, the panel says, led directly to the riot at the Capitol.

Chairman Bennie Thompson declared, “A handful of election officials in several key states stood between Donald Trump and the upending of American democracy.”

The hearing opened with chilling accounts of the barrage of verbal attacks facing state and local elected officials, including Arizona’s Republican House speaker Rusty Bowers who said he was subject to a “disturbing” smear campaign online, bull-horn protests at his home and a pistol-wielding man taunting his family and neighbors.

Bowers walked through an account of being called by Trump on a Sunday after returning from church when the defeated president laid out his proposal to have the state replace its electors for Joe Biden with those favoring Trump.

“I said, Look, you’re asking me to do something that is counter to my oath,” Bowers testified before the committee.

Bowers insisted on seeing Trump’s evidence of voter fraud, which he said Trump’s team never produced beyond vague allegation­s. He recalled Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani at one point told him, “’We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence.’”

Trump wanted Bowers to hold a hearing at the state Capitol, but the Republican leader said there was already a “circus” atmosphere over the election. The panel showed video footage of protesters at the Arizona state house including a key figure, the horned-hat wearing Jacob Chansley, who was later arrested at the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot.

Trump neverthele­ss pressed the Arizona official, including in a follow-up call, suggesting he expected a better response from a fellow Republican.

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