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Lawyer declined Trump request to tell Archives all material was returned

- ©2022 The New York Times Maggie Haberman and Michael S. Schmidt

Shortly after turning over 15 boxes of government material to the National Archives in January, former President Donald Trump directed a lawyer working for him to tell the archives that he had returned all the documents he had taken from the White House at the end of his presidency, according to two people familiar with the discussion.

The lawyer, Alex Cannon, had become a point of contact for officials with the National Archives, who had tried for months to get Trump to return presidenti­al records that he failed to turn over upon leaving office. Cannon declined to convey Trump’s message to the archives because he was not sure if it was true, the people said.

In fact, Trump would be found still to have large quantities of government records in his possession even after turning over the 15 boxes. They included one set turned over to the Justice Department by Trump’s aides in June and another large cache — including some marked with the highest levels of classifica­tion — seized by the FBI in the search in August of the former president’s residence and private club in Florida, Mar-a-Lago.

When archives officials opened the initial 15 boxes they recovered in January, they found a large volume of documents with classified markings and notified the Justice Department, setting in motion events that led to a criminal investigat­ion and the search of Mar-a-Lago.

The criminal investigat­ion is ongoing and has been tied up in legal wrangling between the Justice Department and Trump’s team.

The conversati­on between Trump and Cannon took place after officials at the archives began asking Cannon, following the return of the 15 boxes, whether additional classified material was at Mar-a-Lago. It was when Cannon raised this with Trump that Trump told him to tell the archives he had given everything back, the people familiar with the discussion said.

At the time, the various investigat­ions related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by Trump’s supporters were ramping up, with a number of requests for documents, the people familiar with the discussion said. Cannon told people that he was concerned that if Trump was found to be withholdin­g material related to Jan. 6, he would be in a worse situation, according to people familiar with the discussion­s.

Cannon did not respond to a request for comment. A spokespers­on for Trump did not respond to a request for comment.

Cannon’s discussion with Trump and his decision not to pass the message to the archives were reported earlier by The Washington Post.

The archives had struggled from even before Trump left the White House to get cooperatio­n and accurate answers from Trump and his team about his handling of government material under the Presidenti­al Records Act.

The National Archives has told the Justice Department that another lawyer representi­ng Trump indicated to the archives last September that boxes Trump had taken from the White House included only nonclassif­ied material like newspaper clippings, according to a person briefed on the matter.

Patrick F. Philbin, a former top White House lawyer who was representi­ng Trump’s post-presidency office, relayed that message to the top lawyer at the archives, Gary Stern, according to two people briefed on the matter.

Philbin indicated to Stern that the informatio­n was based on what Trump’s final White House chief of staff,

Mark Meadows, believed to be the contents in the boxes, the people said. Stern preserved his own descriptio­n of the exchange in an email, one of the people said.

The conversati­on between Cannon and Trump raises new questions about Trump’s attempt to interfere with the efforts by the archives to regain all the documents. And the conversati­on appears to fit a pattern: In June, after turning over a small batch of classified documents that remained at Mar-a-Lago following the return of the 15 boxes, another one of Trump’s lawyers attested in writing to the Justice Department that Trump had returned all of the presidenti­al records the government was seeking.

That claim proved misleading. In August, when the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, it found thousands of pages of presidenti­al records, including hundreds that contained classified informatio­n.

The Justice Department and Trump are engaged in a court battle about what documents authoritie­s can view and use in their investigat­ion into how the classified documents were handled, whether he and his lawyers intentiona­lly misled the Justice Department and whether he violated the Presidenti­al Records Act.

According to another person familiar with the discussion­s, Cannon had warned Trump in the fall of 2021 that officials at the archives were serious about getting their material back, and that the matter could result in a criminal referral. Trump deflected Cannon’s efforts, according to the person familiar with the discussion­s.

Cannon was also concerned about people who worked for Trump going through the boxes of material because he did not know what was in them and was concerned that they might contain classified material.

Cannon was not the only person who warned Trump that he could face legal perils if he did not return the material. The New York Times previously reported that in late 2021, Eric Herschmann, a lawyer who had worked in the White House, met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago about a number of issues and told him that he could face legal consequenc­es if he did not give the boxes back.

But Trump continued to consult with informal advisers who told him what he wanted to hear — that the material could be considered personal records — such as conservati­ve activist Tom Fitton, who is not a lawyer but who leads the group Judicial Watch.

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