Hamilton Journal News

Dislike wasting food? Here’s what to do with your leftovers

- Tribune News Service By Barbara Intermill

Guess I’m not the only one who dislikes wasting food. Here’s what one reader wrote in response to a recent column on this topic (with a few added comments):

“Barbara: I loved your ‘what to do with leftovers’ article. It’s about time we as Americans quit being the shame of the developed world by wasting gobs of nutritious food. We overbuy, overcook and over-waste.

I am the cook for our household (my wife and I are retired). I cook for not only us but relatives and friends and have for over 40 years. We are sticklers about not wasting food. Here’s what we do to be efficient:

Never overbuy. Buy the exact quantity you need to make a dish, no more. And make portions for the family/guests that are reasonable (no 2X of what you’ll eat). I like leftovers but strive to have just enough food either for the two of us or for a dinner party.

Use what you have ... substitute, substitute, substitute! Nothing’s worse than getting in your car, polluting the air, spending money you don’t need to and having some stupid ingredient that may hang around for eons.

Google ‘what can I substitute for (fill in the blank).’ EVERY ingredient has a decent substitute that’s in your kitchen (except maybe clams for clam stew). I also substitute different fruits or veggies in a dish by using what’s sitting on the counter.

Empty your pantry quarterly. Cook meals that require what you have buried in that food closet. Take it down to bare bones then replenish. Most people treat a pantry like garage storage.

Empty your freezer quarterly. If we have a whole chicken and pork shoulder left in the freezer, that’s what we’re having for the next few days.

I hate to waste food because that’s what I was taught way back in the ’60s. Seems like no one teaches that any more. I just feel it’s unholy almost to waste.— Keith B, El Dorado Hills, California”

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