Hamilton Journal News

Autumn pumpkin bread recipe wanted


Dear Heloise: The fall season is here, and there is nothing I love more than this time of year, when all the leaves change color. It puts me in a baking mood!

We have a street party in October every year, and this year, I want to bake about five loaves of your pumpkin bread to take to the street party. Sadly, I’ve lost the recipe. Would you reprint the recipe for us autumn lovers who enjoy all things “pump- kin”? — Lorie B., Independen­ce, Missouri

Lorie, just a warning: Once you bake this for your family and friends, they’ll want it again and again. Here is my mother’s famous Pumpkin Bread recipe:

1 ⅔ cups flour

1 ¼ cups sugar

1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon salt

2 eggs, slightly beaten ½ cup chopped pecans ½ cup salad oil

1 cup canned pumpkin

Sift dry ingredient­s together. Add nuts and mix well. Set aside. Combine remaining ingredient­s and add combinatio­n to dry ingredient­s. Mix just enough to blend. Pour into a 9”x5”x3” greased and floured loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 6075 minutes.

Do you enjoy easy to make recipes that have people ask- ing for seconds? If that’s you’re type of recipe, then you’ll love my “Heloise’s Baking Soda Hints and Reci- pes.” Not only is it filled with hints to help keep your home looking and smelling fresh and clean, it also contains recipes that are tasty, easy to make and fun to serve.

To get a copy, just go to www.Heloise.com or send $5 along with a stamped (84 cents), self-addressed long envelope to: Heloise/Bak- ing Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001.

Believe me, it’s always nice to have helpful hints at your fingertips when you need them. — Heloise

Health bars

Dear Heloise: A fair num- ber of my friends are big on these health bars for energy, and yet not one has ever read the label. Most are filled with salt, fat, sugar of some kind and preservati­ves. That’s not my idea of healthy.

Yes, some are low in sugar while some are low in fat, but the majority are just candy bars. If you want an energy boost, try a banana, Greek yogurt or even a handful of walnuts, almonds or pecans. Less fat, less sugar and much healthier for you. — Meghan E., Sun Valley, Nevada

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