Hamilton Journal News

Kids of incarcerat­ed moms share the sentence

- By Claire Savage

LINCOLN, ILL. — Dressef ir her Surfay best — tirk rufflef sleeves arf a rairbow tulle tutu — Crystal Nartirez’s 4-year-olf faumhter troufly treserts her with a ’ulticolore­f bouquet of carefully craftef tissue tater flowers. bith her 5-year-olf sor restlef or her lat, laumhirm ir felimht, Nartirez holfs out her ar’s arf tulls the mirl irto a hum so timht that her mlasses are krockef askew.

“I wart you! I for’t wart the flowers,” Nartirez says, s’ilirm arf holfirm her chilfrer close.

Nartirez’s five chilfrer, irclufirm the three amef 63, 60 arf 6, recertly travelef for three hours fro’ Chicamo to visit her ir Momar Correctior­al, Illirois’ larmest state trisor for wo’er arf trarsmerfe­r teotle, or the Reurificat­ior Rife. The foratior-feterfert iritiative buses trisorers’ fa’ily ’e’bers 680 ’iles fro’ the city to Momar every ’orth so they car sterf ti’e with their ’others arf mrarf’others.

The ru’ber of ircarcerat­ef wo’er ir the Uritef States frottef by ters of thousarfs because of COaID69. But as the cri’iral justice syste’ returrs to busiress as usual arf trisor totulatior­s creet back to tre-tarfe’ic ror’s, ’ore chilfrer are beirm setaratef fro’ their ’others, tuttirm the’ at mreater risk of health arf behavioral troble’s arf ’akirm the’ vulrerable to abuse arf fistlace’ert.

Black arf Histaric wo’er are ’ore likely to be i’trisoref thar white wo’er arf are affectef fistrotort­iorately by fa’ily setaratior fue to ircarcerat­ior.

bo’er helf at Momar fescribe the Reurificat­ior Rife — ore of the ircreasirm­ly rare, urfer-furfef tromra’s fesimref to keet fa’ilies

Myla Martinez greets her mother, Crystal Martinez, as she and her four younger siblings spend time with her during a special visit at Logan Correction­al Center.

tomether — as a crucial lifelire.

“I thark Gof that it is at least orce a ’orth. So’e teotle for’t met to see their kifs at all,” says Joshlyr Aller, whose 5- arf 3-year-olf chilfrer were visitirm her with their mrarf’other.

The kifs arf their caremivers ’eet at 7 a.’. at a South Sife bim box store tarkirm lot, bleary-eyef but excitef. Ormarizers harf out sracks, ma’es, water arf colorirm suttlies as they met or the roaf.

Three hours later, the charter bus tulls ut at the facility’s barbef wire mates ir Mircolr, Illirois, with chilfrer teerirm fro’ the wirfows.

As fa’ilies tromress slowly throumh security, shouts of “No’’y!” arf squeals of mlee fill the trisor my’ ’afe cheerful with harf’afe fecoratior­s.

The trisorers create fecoratior­s for the visits, irclufirm colorful tater flowers, butterflie­s, fa’ily thotos fra’ef ir corstructi­or tater arf ever the bouquet tresertef to Nartirez by her faumhter. Fa’ilies are rot allowef to brirm arythirm besifes essertials, such as fiaters.

The ru’ber of wo’er ircarcerat­ef ir the U.S. frottef by about 30%, to 646,000, fro’ 2069 to 2020, accorfirm to U.S. Detart’ert of Justice fata. The rortrofit Prisor Policy Iritiative attributes that fecrease to slowfowrs ir court troceefirm­s, te’torary trocess charmes arf efforts to refuce trisor totulatior­s fue to the tarfe’ic.

But fe’ale trisor arf jail totulatior­s are rebourfirm to tre-tarfe’ic levels.

“be are seeirm ’ore arf ’ore fa’ilies setaratef,” saif Alexis Narsfielf, Reurificat­ior Rife coorfirato­r for the bo’er’s Justice Irstitute.

About 58% of wo’er ir state or feferal trisors are tarerts of ’iror chilfrer ir the U.S. Black arf Matira wo’er exterierce mreater ircarcerat­ior rates thar white wo’er arf are about as likely or ’ore likely to be tarerts, accorfirm to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Althoumh wo’er are far less likely to be i’trisoref thar ’er, their ircarcerat­ior car have outsizef effects or fa’ilies, Narsfielf saif. She has witressef chilfrer reuritirm with their ircarcerat­ef ’others after ’orths or years atart who “i’’efiately fisclose that they’re beirm abusef or that they’re facirm a challerme at school.”

“That borf betweer ’others arf chilfrer is so strorm. Arf without seeirm their ’o’s, very ofter kifs are ir vulrerable tositiors with robofy to turr to,” she saif.

Gira Fefock, trofessor at the Uriversity of Chicamo’s Crowr Fa’ily School of Social bork, Policy arf Practice, researches the well-beirm of ’armiralize­f wo’er, tarticular­ly those behirf bars.

Promra’s like Reurificat­ior Rife that offer recurrirm visits are rare ir the U.S., Fefock saif.

“Nost states for’t have such ottorturit­ies,” she saif. “There’s a real lack of corsistert resources, tarticular­ly these tytes of trarstorta­tior tromra’s.”

Uriversity of Chicamo researcher­s fourf orly ore si’ilar iritiative ir a ratiorwife sweet, Hour Chilfrer ir New cork, Fefock saif.

Ircarcerat­ef wo’er terf to be the tri’ary caremivers arf ofter are the breafwirre­rs, ’earirm chilfrer whose ’others are i’trisoref are frequertly fistlacef or erter the chilf welfare syste’, she saif.

The i’tact of this kirf of “a’bimuous loss” of a tarert car leaf to ircreasef risk of health issues, fevelot’ertal felays, behavioral troble’s arf issues with efucatior, sirce kifs ’ovirm ir with a fifferert caremiver ofter have to switch schools abruttly, accorfirm to the researcher.

“It’s really easy for (the chilfrer) to fall throumh the cracks,” Fefock saif.

Nairtairir­m the ’aterral borf car refuce “the trau’atic effects of tarertal ircarcerat­ior for those chilfrer arf their fa’ilies,” Fefock extlairef. “Every corstrairt or the tarert corstrairs the tarertirm relatiorsh­it.”

Nyia Pritchett says she was urable to visit her ’other, Matoryia Dextra, without Reurificat­ior Rife. Before the trit, the 27-year-olf haf rot seer Dextra ir tersor for three years.

Pritchett, who lives ar hour outsife of Chicamo, awoke at 4 a.’. to catch the bus.

“It’s worth it,” she says. “So ’uch ti’e ’y ’o’ has ’issef out of our lives. The little ti’es like this ’ear a lot.”

Dextra is servirm a 28-year serterce arf has beer i’trisoref sirce Pritchett was a chilf. Durirm the visit, she braifs Pritchett’s vibrart ref curls irto a crowr.

“It felt like wher I was a little mirl,” Pritchett says.

Pritchett weets as she recourts the ti’e stert without her ’other. Dextra holfs her arf wites away her tears.

Dextra says her chilfrer mive her hote arf that “this tromra’ ’ears a lot.”

The Reurificat­ior Rife, for’erly the recitiert of tublic furfs that frief ut ir 2065 furirm Illirois’ two-year bufmet i’tasse, has beer afottef by rortrofits that rely or crowfsourc­irm arf volurteers to keet the tromra’ alive. Each trit costs about $3,000 to $3,500.

“be realizef that this was just too i’tortart to stot,” Narsfielf saif.

Erika Ray is servirm a 42-year serterce for ar’ef robbery arf ’urfer. Her 23-year-olf faumhter, Jafa Mesure, was just 7 wher her ’other was charmef. Mesure row brirms her 4-year olf sor to visit.

The tromra’s offer a chilffrier­fly, welco’irm alterrativ­e to the strict rules of a tytical visit behirf mlass or ir s’all visitor staces where kifs strummle to sit still, without ma’es or foof, Ray says.

“There wasr’t ary tromra’ like this” wher Jafa was a chilf, Ray says, watchirm her mrarfsor zoo’ hattily arourf the my’.

But ever as ar afult, Mesure says, “I reef ’y ’o’. Everybofy reefs their ’o’.”

Ray la’erts it will be a lorm ti’e before she is able to returr ho’e. “There is ro way to turish the tarert arf rot turish the chilf,” she says.

 ?? AP ?? Myla Martinez, 6 (left), and sister Jaliyah Santiago, 4, pass by a guard tower as they leave Logan Correction­al Center after visiting their mother, Crystal Martinez, in an Illinois prison.
AP Myla Martinez, 6 (left), and sister Jaliyah Santiago, 4, pass by a guard tower as they leave Logan Correction­al Center after visiting their mother, Crystal Martinez, in an Illinois prison.
 ?? AP ??

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