Hamilton Journal News

JFK’s words about peace 60 years ago reflect the renegade in him

- Robert C. Koehler Robert Koehler is an awardwinni­ng, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer.

Was he kidding? Are these words for real?

“I have, therefore, chosen this time and this place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived — yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace.”

This was 60 years ago: June 10, 1963. John F. Kennedy — less than six months before his assassinat­ion — delivered a commenceme­nt address at American University. He spoke like a renegade, defying the certaintie­s of state, the old Cross of Iron, that war is inevitable and always (when we wage it) necessary. At the time, the United States was ankle-deep in Vietnam and, at least according to some accounts, Kennedy wanted out.

My takeaway, after reading Kennedy’s speech — “A Strategy of Peace” — all these decades later, is stunned wonderment. You mean peace actually had political traction then, at least for a brief moment? It wasn’t just a fantasy?

Kennedy’s words dig deeper into basic sanity than the generic political blather I’ve gotten used to in my lifetime, which would never challenge U.S. militarism or fail to glorify it, much less suggest that the creation of peace requires the participat­ion of everyone on the planet:

“So, let us not be blind to our difference­s — but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those difference­s can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our difference­s, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

This is an American president, acknowledg­ing that the commies breathe the same air that we do, and cherish their children as much as we do? He didn’t simply want “them” to disarm. His own country also needed to disarm. Yeah, he was a renegade. He had come to realize that the generals who surrounded him, some of whom were pushing for the use of nukes in Vietnam, were a far greater threat to global peace than our enemies.

And, oh yeah, as Al-Jazeera noted: “After Kennedy’s assassinat­ion, instead of an end to American involvemen­t in Vietnam, the U.S. deployed 100,000 troops in 1965 — with more than 530,000 in country by 1968 — and a decade of carnage was under way.”

That’s the country I live in. How many stupid and horrific wars have we waged in my lifetime? When it comes to peace, when it comes to disarmamen­t, are we not a democracy in name only? “Democracy” — oh, what a useful public-relations cliché! But when it comes to countering militarism, it means absolutely nothing, because that’s not allowed. The U.S. has one role only: to destroy evil, and that requires a trillion-dollar annual military budget.

So digging 60 years into the past, reading the words of a president who — my God — declared that this nation must look inward, at its own wrongs and shortcomin­gs, rather than merely condemn its enemies, opens up the peace movement, links it, oh so tentativel­y, to the highest levels of government.

Was Kennedy daring to look beyond his own interests — his own re-election — and the interests of his party? Apparently so. He understood that “the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war” but decided to pursue it anyway, because “we have no more urgent task.”

But Kennedy was killed Soon enough, the war in Vietnam “escalated.” I have always thought that the global peace movement began in the wake of this escalation, but reading Kennedy’s speech has made me realize otherwise. The peace movement — the peace process, to be more precise — was already under way. Then it was interrupte­d by one magic bullet.

It’s been in the political margins ever since.

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