Hamilton Journal News

K-12 education’s decline should be a dominant political issue in 2024

- George F. Will

Time was, when the school year ended, parents worried about “summer learning loss.” Nowadays, there is less learning to worry about losing.

This is the 40th anniversar­y of a blue-ribbon commission’s “A Nation at Risk” report that decried a “rising tide of mediocrity” in K-12 education, and said if “an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educationa­l performanc­e that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.” Two generation­s on, mediocrity might be an aspiration.

The National Assessment of Educationa­l Progress for 2022 shows that a decline that started in 2014 continues: Just 13% and 20% of eighth-graders met U.S. history and civics proficienc­y standards, the lowest rates ever, erasing gains made since the 1990s.

Only 33% and 36% of fourth-graders were proficient in reading and math, respective­ly. Eighth-graders were worse: 31% proficient in reading, 26% percent in math. Four more years of schooling, less proficienc­y. Perhaps summer should be considered a season for recuperati­ng from schools’ subtractio­ns from learning.

Ian Rowe, a charter school advocate, notes that since the “nation’s report card” was first issued in 1992, in no year “has a majority of white students been reading at grade level. The sad irony is that closing the Blackwhite achievemen­t gap would guarantee only educationa­l mediocrity for all students.”

Mysterious­ly (or perhaps not), California’s most recent standardiz­ed test revealed declines in math and English language arts — yet rising grades. Larry Sand, writing in City Journal, reports 73% of 11th-graders received A’s, B’s and C’s in math, while the test showed 19% met gradelevel standards. Among eighth-graders, the disparity was 79% and 23%. Among sixth-graders’ English scores, it was 85% and 40%. Amazingly (or perhaps not), the high school graduation rate has risen as students’ proficienc­ies have fallen.

Grade inflation, sometimes called “equity grading,” and “social promotions,” which combat meritocrac­y as a residue of white supremacy, leave a wake of wreckage.

As alarming as what students are not learning is what they are being taught. Robert Pondiscio and Tracey Schirra of the American Enterprise Institute, writing in National Affairs (summer 2022), say “public education has drifted toward an opposition­al relationsh­ip with its founding purpose of forming citizens, facilitati­ng social cohesion, and transmitti­ng our culture from one generation to the next.”

The result is the emergence of what might be a dominant political issue in 2024: parental rights concerning educationa­l content and curriculum transparen­cy.

Remote learning during the pandemic, say Pondiscio and Schirra, “pried open the black box of America’s classrooms.” Progressiv­es, anxious to slam it shut again, portray any public involvemen­t in public education, other than paying for it, as an infringeme­nt of the hitherto unenunciat­ed right of teachers to unabridged sovereignt­y over other peoples’ children. But as UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh has said, “Someone’s got to decide what is going to be taught in K-12 schools.” Teachers, principals, legislatur­es, school boards — the First Amendment does not say whom.

Progressiv­es and their most muscular allies, the teachers unions, stand athwart parents shouting, “Mind your own business!” This is a political argument conservati­ves can link to the issues of school choice and charter schools, each of which polls well.

It’s no secret that trust in public schools is probably lower today than at any point in American history. If conservati­ve politician­s cannot make this a salient issue, they should find another vocation.

George Will is a political commentato­r and author. He writes regular columns for The Washington Post.

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