Hamilton Journal News

Politician­s, activists react to abortion-rights win

Some say fight isn’t over; others say state should heed will of the voters.

- By Avery Kreemer Staff Writer

Here’s what regional politician­s and advocates on both sides of the abortion debate had to say about Issue 1 passing last week with 56.6% of the vote, constituti­onally guaranteei­ng an individual’s reproducti­ve autonomy in Ohio and protecting access to abortion up to fetal viability.

on whether the Issue 1 result is reflective of where Ohio stands on abortion:

“It most definitely was. The people have spoken and we have to listen to them. (Politician­s) can’t let their own personal interests basically cloud what the people have said. They said that they wanted this enshrined in the constituti­on and we need to leave it alone. We need to stop wasting all this money like we did in August, and we need to start passing policies that Ohioans want. It should not be a back and forth between the legislatur­e and Ohio.”

on whether the Issue 1 result is reflective of where Ohio stands on abortion:

“It’s not. It’s not because they ran a bad campaign. It’s not reflective ... There are the ‘No’ votes on Issue 1, it’s just the campaign failed to turn them out. The campaign failed to explain to pro-life voters that they needed to vote no, and I think that responsibi­lity can only be laid at the feet of the campaign.”

Antani said the campaign “wasted millions on a parental rights message that very few voters actually care about.”

on why Ohio voters preferred Issue 1 over allowing the state to decide abortion policy.

“I think people believe that we are trying to take away their freedoms, and in many cases, I’m seeing a lot of bills that are doing just that. And at the same time, we’re screaming all about freedom. I mean, you gotta walk the walk here.

“If you want people to have personal freedom, then you can’t do a lot of bills and issues that take away what they think is their freedom. I have listened to people since this issue passed … I can tell you, people think we are taking away their freedoms.”

chair of the Butler County Democratic Party, on why the majority of voters in the usual Republican stronghold of Butler County voted to pass Issue 1.

“I think what Butler County is, is ‘Keep the government out of my private business,’ right? They don’t want politician­s in the exam room with them, they don’t want politician­s in their bedroom, they don’t want politician­s making decisions about school curriculum, they don’t want politician­s in places they don’t belong. They want experts in those places, they want to be empowered to make decisions as families.

“(Tuesday’s vote) doesn’t mean Butler County is prolife or pro-choice, it means Butler County stood up to extreme overreach.”

executive director at Dayton Right to Life, on what she’d like to see lawmakers do now that abortions are protected under the Ohio Constituti­on up to the point of fetal viability:

“I’d like to see the support for women that should have been going on all along, supporting the working mom and childcare issues — I’d like to see that addressed. They had their chances to do something about all these issues long before and they never dealt with them, so that’s how it ended up in the hands of the voters; so they kind of made their own bed.”

 ?? SUE OGROCKI / AP ?? Issue 1 supporters cheer as election results come in at a watch party Tuesday in Columbus.
SUE OGROCKI / AP Issue 1 supporters cheer as election results come in at a watch party Tuesday in Columbus.
 ?? ?? Kathy Wyenandt, chair of the Butler County Democratic Party
Kathy Wyenandt, chair of the Butler County Democratic Party
 ?? ?? Margie Christie, executive director at Dayton Right to Life
Margie Christie, executive director at Dayton Right to Life
 ?? ?? Rep. Willis Blackshear Jr., D-Dayton
Rep. Willis Blackshear Jr., D-Dayton

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