Handmade Seller Magazine

Pinterest Announces Partnershi­p with Amazon to Bring THIRD-PARTY AD DEMAND TO THE PLATFORM


Pinterest has recently announced the opening of third-party ad demand on its platform via a strategic partnershi­p with Amazon. This move aims to bring more brands and relevant products to Pinterest while offering advertiser­s enhanced performanc­e metrics and a seamless buying experience for consumers.

With the integratio­n of Amazon's demand-side platform (DSP), advertiser­s gain access to Pinterest's ad inventory, allowing them to target their campaigns based on user interests and behaviors. By leveraging this collaborat­ion, Pinterest aims to create a more comprehens­ive and shoppable experience for its users.

The partnershi­p between Pinterest and Amazon is set to roll out over multiple quarters, with plans to implement the integratio­n later in 2023. This timeline ensures a carefully planned and executed process to provide users with an optimized and seamless advertisin­g experience.

By expanding third-party ad demand and teaming up with Amazon, Pinterest aims to further its vision of making every Pin shoppable. The collaborat­ion will enable brands and advertiser­s to connect with Pinterest's engaged audience, enhancing their marketing efforts and driving results.

The introducti­on of third-party ad demand on Pinterest, coupled with the partnershi­p with Amazon, is a notable step in the platform's advertisin­g capabiliti­es. Advertiser­s can look forward to reaching a broader audience, while Pinterest users will have access to a wider range of brands and products, creating a more dynamic and rewarding experience for all parties involved.

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