Hartford Courant (Sunday)

We ask, like Franklin: Our republic, can we keep it?

- By Trevor Burrus Trevor Burrus is a research fellow in the Cato Institute’s Robert A. Levy Center for Constituti­onal Studies and editor in chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review.

On Sept. 17, 1787, while leaving the just-finished Constituti­onal Convention in Philadelph­ia, Benjamin Franklin was purportedl­y asked whether the delegates had produced a republic or a monarchy. He allegedly said, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Now, 233 years later, our constituti­onal republic has been substantia­lly eroded. It is time to rediscover to the founding principles of our Constituti­on if we want to last an additional 200 years.

The current violent clashes in our streets have many causes, but they are partly about what kind of country each side desires. This presidenti­al election year, as with essentiall­y all election years in the 21st century, has been touted as an existentia­l threat by both sides of the political aisle. Many people feel that, if the “other side” takes the presidency, then there will be a concerted effort to destroy their way of life.

While American elections are rarely as existentia­lly threatenin­g as pundits and partisans claim, it’s understand­able why people feel this way. Congress has basically been a do-nothing body for more than a decade. The presidency has become the focal point of policy making and policy change in the federal government. Who the president is matters more now than ever before.

But it wasn’t supposed to be this way. To the framers, Congress was the central player in our federal government. Due to their frequent popular election by relatively small and homogenous constituen­cies, members of the House would help harmonize the interests of the country by vigorously fighting for both local and national interests. Senators, who in the original Constituti­on were chosen by the state legislatur­es, would compose the senior deliberati­ve body, which, because of the longer terms and statewide constituen­cies, would look more toward the longterm health of the country.

Seemingly no framer imagined, however, that Congress, rather than jealously guarding its power, would freely and gladly give it to the executive branch. Over the last 90 years, Congress has passed statute after statute that empower the executive branch with immense discretion not only on how the laws will be enforced (the classic role of the executive branch) but even what the laws say.

This was on display when President Donald Trump imposed steel tariffs by claiming they are in the interests of “national security.” While the Constituti­on explicitly gives Congress the power to “regulate commerce with foreign nations,” the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 delegated a significan­t amount of that power to the president by allowing him to unilateral­ly regulate foreign commerce in the interest of “national security.”

But an overly powerful executive branch is not just a feature of the Trump administra­tion. Trump inherited the stunningly broad powers of the presidency because almost every past administra­tion has increased the scope of presidenti­al power.

The Obama administra­tion purported to redefine the concept of gender when it came to school bathrooms by publishing a “dear colleague” letter instructin­g schools to let students use the bathroom of their gender identity. As a supporter of transgende­r rights, I was neverthele­ss shocked the administra­tion would so casually force such broad social change. Transgende­rism and bathrooms is the type of issue that should be debated in Congress, not imposed by the president.

But Congress doesn’t work, so we’re left with a president who has powers that even King George III didn’t have. No wonder people view a presidency of “the other side” as an existentia­l threat. Under current law, an opposing president can switch significan­t environmen­tal regulation­s, impose “national emergencie­s” to solve pet projects, radically restructur­e immigratio­n, significan­tly alter regulation­s on businesses and even fight undeclared wars, all without asking Congress to do anything.

This is no way to run a constituti­onal republic. Although today the Bill of Rights is the most well known part of the Constituti­on, when the delegates left the Convention there was no Bill of Rights. The debates in the convention were about constituti­onal structure — how the separation of powers, checks and balances and other guardrails of the Constituti­on could ensure a limited, effective, responsive and democratic­ally accountabl­e federal government. Now, too many of those guardrails are either broken or completely disregarde­d. In a country as big and diverse as America, we cannot continue to exist in a state of perpetual presidenti­al whiplash.

Our republic is eroding. Can we stop it?

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