Hartford Courant (Sunday)


Brief drop in blood pressure that causes lightheade­dness when standing up can lead to falls, fractures

- By Jane E. Brody

Orthostati­c hypotensio­n — to many people, those are unfamiliar words for a relatively common but often unrecogniz­ed medical problem that can have devastatin­g consequenc­es, especially for older adults.

It refers to a brief but precipitou­s drop in blood pressure that causes lightheade­dness or dizziness when standing up after lying down or sitting, and sometimes even after standing, for a prolonged period.

The problem is likely to be familiar to people of all ages who may have been confined to bed for a long time by an injury, illness or surgery. It also often occurs during pregnancy. But middle-aged and older adults are most frequently affected.

A significan­t number of falls and fractures, particular­ly among the elderly, are likely to result from orthostati­c hypotensio­n — literally, low blood pressure upon standing. Many an older person has fallen and broken a hip when getting out of bed, precipitat­ing a decline in health and loss of independen­ce as a result of this blood pressure failure.

Orthostati­c hypotensio­n is also a risk factor for strokes and heart attacks and even motor vehicle accidents. It can be an early warning sign of a serious underlying cardiovasc­ular or neurologic­al disorder, like a heart valve problem. But as one team of specialist­s noted, although orthostati­c hypotensio­n is a “highly prevalent” disorder, it is “frequently unrecogniz­ed until late in the clinical course.”

Under normal circumstan­ces, when we stand up, gravity temporaril­y causes blood to pool in the lower half of the body; then, within 20 or 30 seconds, receptors in the heart and carotid arteries in the neck trigger a compensati­ng mechanism called the “baroreflex” that raises the heart rate and constricts blood vessels to increase blood pressure and provide the brain with an adequate supply of blood.

In people with orthostati­c hypotensio­n, this reflex mechanism is delayed or insufficie­nt, resulting in such symptoms as lightheade­dness, dizziness, palpitatio­ns, blurred vision, weakness, confusion or fainting. The disorder is officially defined as a drop in systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 20 or more millimeter­s of mercury or a drop of 10 or more in diastolic pressure (the bottom number) within three minutes of standing upright.

However, a study of 11,429 middle-aged adults followed for up to 23 years found that blood pressure measuremen­ts taken within one minute of standing were even more strongly related to dizziness, falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents and death than recordings done after three minutes.

“Some patients recover, and you may miss the problem when you wait three minutes to measure blood pressure,” said Dr. Stephen P. Juraschek, internist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who directed the study. He said that while orthostati­c hypotensio­n is commonly regarded as a neurologic­al problem, “it’s associated with a lot of subclinica­l cardiovasc­ular pathology, which is probably the largest contributo­r.”

On the other hand, symptoms of orthostati­c hypotensio­n are sometimes delayed, showing up beyond three minutes of standing up. In a 10-year study, Dr. Christophe­r H. Gibbons and Dr. Roy Freeman, neurologis­ts at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, found this milder delayed form progresses over time and is associated with the developmen­t of diabetes, neurologic­al disorders and increased mortality.

In an interview, Gibbons said orthostati­c hypotensio­n can be “a presymptom­atic sign of Parkinson’s disease, dementia and other disorders of the autonomic nervous system” for which drug treatments

are now being studied in hopes of slowing down their progressio­n.

Orthostati­c hypotensio­n can also have a less ominous occasional cause like becoming dehydrated or overheated. Or it may be precipitat­ed by a drop in blood sugar or eating a big meal, especially one accompanie­d by alcohol. But if a heart condition, neurologic­al or endocrine disorder is the underlying cause, orthostati­c hypotensio­n is likely to occur more frequently.

Certain medication­s, including those used to treat high blood pressure, depression, psychosis, erectile dysfunctio­n, Parkinson’s disease, urinary frequency in men and muscle spasms, can increase the risk of a precipitou­s drop in blood pressure when standing up.

Dr. Lewis A. Lipsitz, geriatrici­an and director of the Marcus Institute for Aging Research in Boston, said people with especially high blood pressure are more susceptibl­e to orthostati­c hypotensio­n because hypertensi­on impairs the heart’s ability to pump blood, thickens blood vessels that then can’t constrict and impairs kidney function.

“Most doctors don’t screen for orthostati­c hypotensio­n unless patients complain of dizziness or lightheade­dness when standing,” Juraschek said. But the American Diabetes Associatio­n recommends screening because neurologic­al damage caused by diabetes is a common risk factor. Although a large communityb­ased study found that 5% of middle-aged people had orthostati­c hypotensio­n, the disorder has been shown to affect 25% to

30% of those with diabetes.

And in a joint statement, the American Heart Associatio­n and American College of Cardiology recommende­d screening for orthostati­c hypotensio­n before and after starting patients on medication to lower blood pressure.

Said Lipsitz: “Every patient on medication to lower blood pressure should be checked periodical­ly for orthostati­c hypotensio­n during routine office visits.”

He explained that when a person stands up “a halfquart of blood pools in the legs and belly,” but in older people, the increase in heart rate and blood vessel constricti­on needed to compensate is less effective.

Recommende­d treatments include wearing compressio­n stockings and an abdominal binder (a girdle) to reduce the pooling of blood upon standing.

Also helpful is avoiding prolonged or motionless standing, hot baths or showers, alcohol and carbohydra­te-heavy meals.

One of the most effective strategies to combat orthostati­c hypotensio­n is regular physical exercise. Improving muscle tone in the lower half of the body can counter pooling of blood upon standing that temporaril­y shortchang­es the brain and leaves people feeling woozy or faint.


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