Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Finding cat-proof fencing to keep them in your yard

- By Cathy M. Rosenthal Cathy M. Rosenthal is an animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert. Send your questions, stories and tips to cathy@pet pundit.com. Please include your name, city and state. You can follow her @cathymrose­nthal.

Dear Cathy: I called our local pet store and asking about a cat-proof fence panel and was told it is not something in their inventory. Do you have any suggestion­s for retailers who might carry this product?

— David, Orlando, Fla.

Dear David: You are a great neighbor for wanting to keep your cats in your yard. This is not only safer for your felines, but respectful of your neighbors who may not be into cats. Unfortunat­ely, these items aren’t usually available at retail stores.

If you go online, however, and type in “where to find cat-proof fencing,” you will find many options. Read the reviews from the people who have used these products, so you can determine what might be best for your particular feline. Basically, there are three primary ways you can cat-proof your fence.

The first is adding a roller bar to the top of the fence. These are repurposed coyote bars meant to keep coyotes out of a fenced area. The idea is the cat won’t be able to maintain a grip while trying to jump or climb over the fence. There are do-it-yourself videos and commercial products you can install yourself. The second is adding a fence topper or netting extension. All these products work fairly well, but if you have a raised bed or tool shed where a cat can come at it at a different angle, they may figure out a workaround. So, take into considerat­ion your cat’s motivation to get out of the yard when considerin­g your options. Please note these options keep your cats from getting out of the yard but does not guarantee predators won’t find a way in.

The third and safest option is a catio (screened-in area) or a cat

tent, which keeps your cat in an enclosed space, but allows them the opportunit­y to enjoy fresh air. Make sure your cat has access to water and a litter box if they will be in a catio or cat tent for more than 30 minutes.

Finally, if your cats are going outdoors, make sure they are on flea and tick preventati­ves.

I have an 8-year-old Shih Tzu. He is a walker, stopping at 12 to 15 poles and walking eight to 10 blocks twice a day before he decides to poop. I would like for him to go into the

Dear Cathy:

backyard on rainy and snowy days, but there are no trees in my backyard. Is it too late to convert him to poop in the yard? It would save me from walking in bad weather.

— Norman, Plainview, New York

Dear Norman: Start by teaching your dog to poop on command. As soon as he starts to pee or poop during your walks, say “go potty,” and then follow it with a reward word, like “Bingo,” and a high value treat for doing it. Repeat this every time he urinates or poops during the walk. When

you know he understand­s the phrase, begin telling him to “go potty” before he indicates he has to go to see if he will follow your command. If he associates it with the high value treat, he should do it.

After about two weeks of him obeying this command while on your walks, take him into your backyard when you know he has to relieve himself and while on a leash (since he is used to reliving himself while tethered to you) and give him the command as you walk him around the yard. Then wait for him to go potty. When he urinates

or poops, use your reward word, and give him a high value treat. If he doesn’t “go potty” on command after 10 minutes, bring him into the house for 20 minutes and then take him back out again, and repeat this process until he goes.

From this point forward, take him into the yard on a leash and give the command BEFORE you go for your walk. Once he relieves himself, take him on a walk as a reward.

Once he gets the hang of going on command on leash, you can let him into the yard without the leash and give him the command from your back door, and he should go. Always give him the reward word and treat when he does to continuall­y reinforce this behavior, since this is a new behavior for him.

As for your barren backyard, add a few potted plants, so he has something to urinate on.

 ?? AYNUR SHAUERMAN/DREAMSTIME ?? Keeping your cat in your backyard is not only safer for your felines, but respectful of your neighbors who may not be into cats.
AYNUR SHAUERMAN/DREAMSTIME Keeping your cat in your backyard is not only safer for your felines, but respectful of your neighbors who may not be into cats.

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