Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Stop hiding behind God when spreading intoleranc­e


Having been raised Catholic, I was taught “love thy neighbor,” and “we are all God’s children.” We have a Republican Party comprised of millions of people who identify as white Evangelica­l Christians or Christian Nationalis­ts.

These so-called Christians spout lies, hate and intoleranc­e for anyone they do not see as exactly like them. They do not tolerate minorities, LGBTQ+, Jews and Muslims, and the men disrespect women.

History would indicate that Christ was Jewish, yet they spread lies about Jews and incite violence within their base. History would indicate that, coming from that part of the world, Christ was likely a brownskinn­ed man, yet they seek to put their symbolic knee on the necks of all Black and brown people by taking away their rights.

The white Evangelica­l Christian movement began as one fixated on segregatio­n. When that mostly failed, they moved on to being pro-life. Sadly, their pro-life beliefs end at birth. Their elected politician­s vote “no” to feed these children, provide healthcare, provide affordable housing or help mothers support these children. They turn a blind eye when children are gunned down in school, only offering worthless thoughts and prayers.

They paint targets on the backs of LGBTQ+ people, once again inciting their base. How many laws are being passed to force them into hiding? How many will die because of their intoleranc­e? They do exist; you can’t pretend they don’t. They are not hurting anyone. Give them the same respect you demand.

Christian Nationalis­ts believe that the government should be run according to their religious beliefs, with no separation of church and state. We now have Republican legislatur­es and partisan federal judges working hard to make that a reality.

Take a look in the mirror. You will not see a Christian looking back at you. Take stock and realize that you need to learn to love all of God’s children. God gives people free will to live how they want. Unless they are breaking “real” laws, it is not up to so-called Christians to take away their rights.

If you want to spread your hate and intoleranc­e, don’t do it in the name of God.

Francine Michaud, Windsor Locks

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