Hartford Courant (Sunday)

Rep. Gilchrest should look at all the facts


Rep. Jillian Gilchrest and I agree on just about everything politicall­y. We are friends on Peloton. We are both adamantly pro-choice and are devastated by the Supreme Court’s decision overturnin­g Roe v. Wade. However, there is one issue on which we disagree. I do not support physician assisted suicide, and Rep. Gilchrest does. I can live with that difference, and understand that reasonable people can differ. However, in her op-ed piece, Rep. Gilchrest calls into question my credential­s as a pro-choice individual .

I cannot let that go by without responding.

I am a member of a group of individual­s known as Progressiv­es Against Medical Assisted Suicide, otherwise known as PAMAS. We line up squarely with most positions espoused by progressiv­es with one major exception. As a previous supporter of PAS, my position changed when I represente­d individual­s in my previous capacity as the managing attorney with the former Office of Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabiliti­es who would have been killed because of their disabiliti­es because medical providers did not value their lives. I ask Rep. Gilchrest to read my testimony before the Public Health Committee to get a full understand­ing of how I came to have second thoughts.

One of the main difference­s between abortion and PAS is that abortion is health care. PAS is the antithesis of health care. It is a false equation to link the two issues. The evidence shows that individual­s with disabiliti­es, those with low income and poor health insurance can be coerced into accepting the cheaper alternativ­e of PAS rather than state-of-the-art palliative care — hardly a choice. Indeed, with all due respect, those who try to equate the two issues, do so without reviewing the studies that show how there is a rush to end palliative care in states where PAS is legal. In fact, the studies show that most people who chose PAS do not do so because of intractabl­e pain, but rather because they fear becoming a burden to their families.

I am proud of my pro-choice credential­s, and proud of my position on PAS. I ask Rep. Gilchrest to look at all the facts before questionin­g the consistenc­y of my position.

Nancy B. Alisberg, West Hartford The writer is a retired attorney.

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