Hartford Courant

Facebook blocks 115 suspicious accounts ahead of midterms

- By Kelvin Chan Associated Press

LONDON — Facebook said it blocked 115 accounts for suspected “coordinate­d inauthenti­c behavior” linked to foreign groups attempting to interfere in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

The social media company shut down 30 Facebook accounts and 85 Instagram accounts and is investigat­ing them in more detail, it said in a blog post late Monday.

Facebook acted after being tipped off Sunday by U.S. law enforcemen­t officials. Authoritie­s notified the company about recently discovered online activity “they believe may be linked to foreign entities,” Facebook’s head of cybersecur­ity policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, wrote in the post.

U.S. tech companies have stepped up their work against disinforma­tion campaigns, aiming to stymie online troublemak­ers’ efforts to divide voters and discredit democ- racy. Facebook’s purge is part of countermea­sures to prevent abuses such as those used by Russian groups two years ago to sway public opinion ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election.

The company based in Menlo Park, Calif., has been somewhat regularly disclosing such purges in recent months. More are likely going forward since, even as its systems get better at detecting and removing malicious accounts, the bad actors are sharp- ening their attacks.

Gleicher said Facebook will provide an update once it learns more, including whether the blocked accounts are linked to the Russia-based Internet Research Agency, or other foreign entities.

Almost all of the Facebook pages associated with the blocked accounts appeared to be in French or Russian. The Instagram accounts were mostly in English and were focused either on celebritie­s or political debate. No further details were given about the accounts or suspicious activity.

Last month, Facebook removed 82 pages, accounts and groups tied to Iran and aimed at stirring up strife in the U.S. and the U.K. It carried out an even broader sweep in August, removing 652 pages, groups and accounts linked to Russia and Iran.

Twitter, meanwhile, has said it has identified more than 4,600 accounts and 10 million tweets, mostly affiliated with the Internet Re- search Agency, which was linked to foreign meddling in U.S. elections, including the presidenti­al vote of 2016. The agency, a Russian troll farm, has been indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for its actions during the 2016 vote.

Facebook, Twitter and other companies have been fighting misinforma­tion and election meddling on their services for the past two years. There are signs they’re making headway, although they’re still a long way from winning the war.

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