Hartford Courant

Black women’s fight for right to vote

Exhibit pays tribute to women pushed into the background of fight for right to vote

- By Susan Dunne Susan Dunne can be reached at sdunne@courant.com.

An online exhibit and archive at the Connecticu­t Historical Society is collecting, and displaying, stories of Black Connecticu­t women like Minnie L. Bradley, Mary A. Johnson and Rose Payton who fought for the right to vote because white suffragist­s didn’t let them have a prominent place in the mainstream women’s suffrage movement.

When thinking about the women’s suffrage movement in the United States, a group of names traditiona­lly comes to mind: Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, etc. But what about Black leaders Mary Townsend Seymour, Rose Payton, Sara Lee Brown Fleming?

A new project and online exhibit at Connecticu­t Historical Society focuses on these and other Black women, who were intentiona­lly pushed into the background of the fight for women’s right to vote.

The exhibit comes in the 100th anniversar­y year of women nationwide getting the right to vote.

“When you talk about Black women in the suffrage movement, the first woman you think of is Ida B. Wells, as if she was the only Black woman in the United States who thought about suffrage,” said Brittney L. Yancy, a professor at Goodwin College and a co-curator of the exhibit. “That’s just not true.”

Yancy, along with CHS research historian Karen Li Miller, created “The Work Must Be Done: Women of Color and the Right to Vote” to shine a light on

Black women from Connecticu­t whose activism included not only women’s suffrage, but other issues important to the Black community, including discrimina­tion, anti-lynching, labor reforms and access to education.

Not just in Connecticu­t but nationwide, Black activists were edged out of leading roles in the suffrage movement, primarily for three reasons. Many white suffragist­s were angry that Black men got the vote before white women did.

White suffragist­s had little interest in Black women’s multidimen­sional goals, preferring to focus exclusivel­y on suffrage. And they wanted the support of Southern states.

So prominent white suffragist­s like Paul, and League of Women Voters founder Carrie Chapman Catt, strategica­lly coddled white supremacis­ts.

“They advocated for women’s right to vote at the expense of inclusivit­y of women of color,” Yancy said.

Yancy and Miller’s exhibit, however, focuses on Black women who advocated for the issues they faced in their own communitie­s. Disenfranc­hisement from the white movements led them to form their own, less-publicized organizati­ons. On their exhibit’s website, chs.org/wocvotes, they tell the life stories of Black women activists such as: t Minnie L. Bradley, the first president of the Connecticu­t branch of the National Associatio­n of Colored Women, which formed in 1920 and later was renamed the Nutmeg State Federation of Women’s Clubs. t Mary A. Johnson and Ida Napier Lawson, co-founders, in 1918, of the Women’s League, Inc., of Hartford. t Pearl Woods Lee, who was grandmothe­r of Carrie Saxon Perry, Connecticu­t’s first Black female mayor. t Rose Payton, who was the first Black woman to register to vote in Connecticu­t, in 1893, when the state passed women’s suffrage.

Yancy and Miller are asking state residents to contribute stories of women they are related to, or women they have heard of, to be researched and possibly added to the database. Informatio­n can be submitted at chs.org/ wocvotes.

Yancy’s favorite Connecticu­t Black female suffragist is Mary Townsend Seymour of Hartford, who invited W.E.B. DuBois to Hartford in 1917 and co-founded the Greater Hartford branch of the NAACP.

“One of the great things I love about African American women is how they used the press to their advantage. [Seymour] wrote for The Courant, she wrote for W.E.B. DuBois’ magazine The Crisis,” Yancy said.

Seymour also founded an allBlack women’s labor union in Hartford. “Can you imagine what that must have been like? It was amazingly radical for the time. At its height, she had 60 dues-paying women committed to this work,” Yancy said.

Miller is fond of Sarah Lee Brown Fleming of New Haven. Fleming was a writer, most famous for the antislaver­y novel “Hope’s Highway” and the poetry collection “Clouds and Sunshine,” which expands on her political views. In addition, Fleming was a “club woman,” who organized Black women’s clubs that addressed a myriad of social issues.

“The clubs’ agendas were so multifacet­ed,” Miller said. “In Connecticu­t, the club women were the ones who were fighting on the ground, coming together for the welfare of men, women and children.”

 ?? STATE ARCHIVES, CONNECTICU­T STATE LIBRARY ?? The Colored Women’s Liberty Loan Committee, in a 1917 photo, included Elizabeth R. Morris, from left, Mary A. Johnson and Rosa J. Fisher.
STATE ARCHIVES, CONNECTICU­T STATE LIBRARY The Colored Women’s Liberty Loan Committee, in a 1917 photo, included Elizabeth R. Morris, from left, Mary A. Johnson and Rosa J. Fisher.

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