Hartford Courant

Trump comments weigh on seniors

President’s remarks touch a nerve with some older voters

- By Tamara Lush

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — President Donald Trump’s remarks at a recent campaign event in Ohio reverberat­ed all the way to a sparkling waterfront in Florida, where senior citizens parsed his assessment of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Trump said t hat COVID-19 was seriously affecting “virtually nobody” under the age of 18 and sought to frame the pandemic as largely impacting older Americans, as he argued for school districts to resume in-person learning.

“Now we know it affects elderly people with heart problems and other problems,” Trump said. “If they have other problems, that’s what it really affects. That’s it.”

Florida, where 34% of the population is over the age of 55, is a potential swing state for Trump’s reelection campaign. Democratic challenger Joe Biden has made some inroads among older voters here, according to recent polls, but the coronaviru­s could affect the race in profound ways.

Trump’s recent remarks made Liz Cillo, a 72-yearold retiree from St. Petersburg, laugh bitterly. “We’re dispensabl­e. We’re old. I feel as though he’s never showed any empathy or compassion toward us.”

Unlike in previous years, those who study voting patterns and elderly affairs issues say new trends appear to be unfolding this year. Jeff Johnson, the state director for the Florida AARP, says that among voters who are over 65, this year’s presidenti­al race seems to be more “in play” than in years past.

“The best we can tell, it

seems to be driven by coronaviru­s,” he said.

Which makes sense, he added.

States like Florida have been hit hard by the pandemic, and no other demographi­c has been affected more than older folks. About 93% of Florida’s 13,600 deaths from the virus have been people 55 and older.

On Friday, Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, lifted all restrictio­ns on restaurant­s and other businesses in Florida in a move to reopen the state’s economy despite the virus’s spread.

Cillo, who did not vote for Trump in 2016 and won’t in November, believes that the president has thrown seniors under the bus.

“We’re the most vulnerable,” she said.

She and her friend, 77year-old Eva Johnson, walk every day along St. Petersburg’s pretty downtown, which is dotted with restaurant­s and shops on one side and Tampa Bay on the other. They keep 6 feet apart and wear masks. Both are worried about catching the virus.

“I follow the rules, and if everyone else would follow the rules too, we’d be much better,” Johnson said.

Nearby, 67-year-old Raymond Holmes was doing his daily 5-mile power walk through downtown. Holmes is a Trump supporter who defends the president’s remarks about older people and the coronaviru­s.

“Trump could appear to have been insensitiv­e, but you have to understand that he didn’t want people to

panic, and he couldn’t necessaril­y say one group of people needs more than another group of people. He had to placate, and he had to handle the entire population,” he said.

The president’s comments touched a nerve with the family of Celia YapBanago, a nurse in Kansas City, Missouri, who died of the coronaviru­s at the age of 69. She was just a week short of her 40-year anniversar­y working at the Research Medical Center and was close to retirement when she died.

Her son, Jhulan Banago, said the virus’s toll extends beyond older Americans like his mother, scarring his family and infecting people he knows.

“I don’t know if I fully agree with that,” he said of Trump’s comments. “I have

some doctor friends as well. Unfortunat­ely, one has tested positive for it. And I have a lot of nursing friends as well, and they see the effects of it. I think it affects more than just the elderly.”

Jay Mangold, a 69-yearold retired business owner in St. Petersburg, said people need to take a “degree of personal responsibi­lity,” when it comes to the virus.

“It’s unfair to expect everyone else to put their lives on hold,” he said, adding that he’s taking precaution­s because of his age, like wearing masks indoors and staying out of crowds. He tries to exercise daily to boost his immune system.

Michael Carl, who is 55, doesn’t think Trump has handled the pandemic well, especially when it comes to older Black people. He cited the Trump administra­tion’s

suing to overturn the Affordable Care Act, as evidence. And he feels that urging schools to open puts elders at risk.

“He could make a bigger effort,” said Carl, then added with a sigh: “Again, if seniors go ahead and die, there’s no Social Security to pay out.”

Ann Wrigley, a 78-yearold, said she’s not sure if the government could have done better when it comes to senior citizens.

“I think it’s up to us. We’re all individual­s, and we need to do what we think is right,” said Wrigley, a registered Republican in Ohio before moving to Florida 16 years ago. She says she’s undecided on the presidenti­al race.

“I just make my decision at the end when I walk in to vote,” she said.

 ?? TAMARA LUSH/AP ?? Eva Johnson, left, and Liz Cillo walk by the waterfront Wednesday in St. Petersburg, Fla. Cillo, 72, feels the president hasn’t shown empathy toward seniors.
TAMARA LUSH/AP Eva Johnson, left, and Liz Cillo walk by the waterfront Wednesday in St. Petersburg, Fla. Cillo, 72, feels the president hasn’t shown empathy toward seniors.

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