Hartford Courant

Cutting contact with racist relatives

- ASK AMY By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter @askingamy Copyright 2020 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: My brother’s wife has been posting a lot of racist content and wild conspiracy theories to her social media accounts.

My husband and I have asked her to reconsider her positions, but she has doubled down (more than once) and asserted her right “as a white Christian” to say these things. My niece (16) said, “Eew. I’d never be friends with a black person.” My brother told me that they would never apologize for their beliefs.

My husband and I are beginning the journey of becoming foster parents. In our area, 62% of children in foster care are children of color. We’ve told my parents that we need to cut contact with my brother’s family. My mother is pushing me to let them “set the record straight.”

I’m not comfortabl­e forcing children of color to interact with them. I’m not comfortabl­e with them around white children we might foster either. My parents refuse to accept this, and so we are not speaking to them either.

Do I owe my brother’s family yet another chance to explain themselves? Even if they promise to stop publicly stating these racist things, how can I trust them to be kind to children of color in my care? How can I have a relationsh­ip with my parents, even if I can’t have one with my brother?

— Trying to Do the Right Thing

Dear Trying: Like any prospectiv­e parents, you want to “childproof” your surroundin­gs to protect your child. Just as your brother and his wife are describing their world to their daughter, you will honestly describe your world to your child.

There seems little point in trying to force these people to renounce their racist ideology. You should not follow them on social media. You should not involve your mother.

You don’t actually have to declare an estrangeme­nt — you can simply make choices as you go. Yes, you will naturally minimize time spent with them because they seem awful and you don’t like them. (They don’t seem to like you either.)

For many of us, however, the very definition of “family” is to occasional­ly share space with loudmouths, blowhards, racists or people you simply don’t like. In time, you can explain to your child why you don’t like them.

Relieve your mother of her desire to mediate; simply tell her that it is not necessary.

Dear Amy: My girlfriend is 22. We’ve been living together for almost three years. During that time, however, she has kept close relationsh­ips with a number of other men she refers to as her “friends.”

She refuses to allow me to see her phone, keeps it locked and gets crazy mad if I even look at her when she’s on her phone.

Before the pandemic she would go out drinking on Friday and/or Saturday night with one of her male friends, leaving me home alone. They would usually end up at another male friend’s apartment.

She insists it’s all innocent. If I ask her about what she is doing, she gets angry and complains that I don’t respect her boundaries and that I’m being paranoid. If all of this doesn’t mean anything, then why is it all kept a secret?

— Paranoid?

Dear Paranoid?: There is paranoid, and then there is gaslightin­g. You are experienci­ng the latter. Because your girlfriend is so big on boundaries, I think it would be a good idea for you to establish some.

For starters, she (or you) should move out. She is not interested in being in the kind of relationsh­ip you want to have.

Dear Amy: As a genealogis­t who values family stories, I disagree with your advice to “Half-Sister” to not share some letters she found. You ask, “What good would be served?” Look what a great life “Barb” was offered by her adoptive parents because of the loving decision of her birth mother to have her adopted.

The letters address real life and how people work through problems. Barb needs these letters.

— History Keeper

Dear History Keeper: Many adoptees (and others) have disagreed with my advice — to offer this newly discovered halfsister an edited selection of letters written between her two biological parents.

I stand corrected. Thank you all.

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