Hartford Courant

Teigen’s posts heartbreak­ing and generous

- Heidi Stevens Balancing Act hstevens@ chicagotri­bune.com Twitter @heidisteve­ns13

“Driving home from the hospital with no baby. How can this be real.”

It was a middle-of-thenight tweet from Chrissy Teigen, the model and author married to singer John Legend. The couple had just lost their son, Jack, after pregnancy complicati­ons.

“We are shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we’ve never felt before,” Teigen wrote on Instagram around midnight on Sept. 30. “We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusio­ns. It just wasn’t enough.”

Teigen had been posting updates on Twitter and Instagram throughout the hospitaliz­ation — inviting, as she does, a fickle, sometimes adoring, always unpredicta­ble public into the private parts of her family’s life in a way that I’ve always found both endearing and brave.

And then the very worst happened, and she posted that too — inviting that same public to draw on its empathy reserves for this family we don’t really know, during the darkest moment of their lives.

Their candor may be a tremendous help to others who’ve suffered, or will suffer, a similar loss.

“Pregnancy and infancy loss is something that continues not to be seen, and we need to see it,” said Joey Miller, a licensed clinical social worker who specialize­s in loss and trauma.

“We need to pay attention. We need to validate women and their partners, many of whom are continuing to suffer in silence. While this is a deeply personal loss, collective­ly we need to be more aware, deepen our sensitivit­y and increase our awareness about something that happens, unfortunat­ely, with great regularity.”

Up to 20% of known pregnancie­s end in miscarriag­e, Miller said, and 1 in 100 pregnancie­s end in stillbirth, which is defined as a loss after 20 weeks of gestation.

Yet the women and couples she counsels who’ve suffered this type of loss often feel uniquely alone, in both the experience and the aftermath. Their grief feels minimized and misunderst­ood.

“Many people erroneousl­y believe there couldn’t have been enough time to form an attachment,” Miller said. “That could not be further from the truth. Many women

form an attachment from the moment the pregnancy is confirmed. The depth of grief has nothing to do with the length of the establishe­d relationsh­ip.”

In addition, the women or couples are left grieving the plans and hopes for the child and the intact family that will never materializ­e. And they don’t have a lifetime of memories to draw on for comfort.

“If a grandparen­t or adult parent dies, we have all of these birthdays, anniversar­ies and holidays to recall,” Miller said. “For many women, having a few ultrasound pictures is very different from a collection of memories of many years spent together.

“It upsets the natural order,” she said. “Pregnancie­s and babies are supposed to be associated with new life and beginnings, not final endings.”

And it often leaves the partner who wasn’t carrying the pregnancy completely adrift.

“Many partners don’t even make it on the map,” Miller said. “There are no social norms that guide parents in these situations, leaving partners feeling completely helpless while simultaneo­usly grieving the loss of the attachment themselves.”

Many grieving couples, Miller said, continue to feel misunderst­ood years after the loss.

“Eighty percent of women will go on to conceive again,” Miller said. “And sometimes when there is another pregnancy, society can misunderst­and, thinking, ‘They finally got what they wanted! Now their family is complete!’ But someone is always missing.”

Maybe seeing a famous couple publicly experience and express some of those grueling emotions and complexiti­es will help. In 2015, I wrote about Lynn and Craig Persin, a Chicago couple whose baby girl died inside Lynn when she was 8½ months pregnant.

“We felt like we were the first people in the universe to go through it,” Lynn told me at the time.

She wrote about the loss on her personal blog, and the traffic crashed her site. Ten thousand people read her post in a single day. She heard from strangers around the country.

I still hear from readers about that column. They hunger for community, and they hunger for resources, and they hunger to feel understood.

Miller has a book coming out Oct. 13 titled “Rebirth: The Journey of Pregnancy After a Loss,” which weaves together personal stories and therapeuti­c guidance. “The Myth of the Perfect Pregnancy: A History of Miscarriag­e in America,” by Lara Freidenfel­ds, is an excellent book. The Star Legacy Foundation( star legacy foundation .org) is a nonprofit devoted to stillbirth and pregnancy loss research and education. Ariel Levy’s memoir, “The Rules Do Not Apply,” is a beautiful examinatio­n of life before, during and after a pregnancy loss.

“Grief,” Levy writes, “is a world you walk through skinned, unshelled.”

But you don’t have to do it alone. And in reminding us of that, Teigen’s posts are as generous as they are heartbreak­ing.

“Pregnancy and infancy loss is something that continues not to be seen, and we need to see it. We need to pay attention. We need to validate women and their partners, many of whom are continuing to suffer in silence.”

— Joey Miller, a licensed clinical social worker who specialize­s in loss and trauma

Join the Heidi Stevens Balancing Act Facebook group, where she continues the conversati­on around her columns and hosts occasional live chats.

 ?? FRAZER HARRISON/GETTY ?? Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s candor around their miscarriag­e may be of help to others who’ve suffered a similar loss.
FRAZER HARRISON/GETTY Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s candor around their miscarriag­e may be of help to others who’ve suffered a similar loss.
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