Hartford Courant

Readers respond to saving old letters

- ASK AMY By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter @askingamy Copyright 2020 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Readers: “Upset Daughter” wrote to me, saying that her 90-year-old mother had old letters from her father that she was considerin­g shredding.

Upset and her sister wanted their mother to let them read the letters, and they asked my opinion. I made a case for sharing and preserving these letters, written while their father was in the Navy.

Some readers interprete­d my enthusiasm over preserving old letters as an exhortatio­n that Upset should pressure her mother. Absolutely not. These letters belong to the recipient and their dispositio­n should be completely up to her.

I received many responses, and today’s column is devoted to them.

Dear Amy: My father served in the Navy in WWII. He passed away in 1985, my mother in 1999. When she knew her time was nearing, she handed me a box of airmail letters, written by both.

There were cutouts in the letters, as they were censored for security purposes, and they also contained references to musical artists and movies of the time.

What a treasure to know of the love they once had for each other, (but never seemed to display when my brothers and I were growing up).

It gave me peace to know that they really did love each other at one time.

— Grateful

Dear Amy: I came across my parents’ love letters while cleaning out their home. My dad served during World War II, then often traveled the country looking for work, all this time correspond­ing with Mom.

My mother treasured these letters for 70 years.

I never read all of them, and didn’t want to. They weren’t all sweet and rosy. There were miscarriag­es, extreme financial hardships and family turmoil.

These letters were personal, private correspond­ences between my parents.

When my parents passed, they were both cremated and buried in the same vault, along with their love letters. It was the perfect ending.

— At Peace

Dear Amy: Maybe “Upset Daughter’s” mom considers these letters too personal for someone else to read.

I and my husband of 45 years have saved nearly three years of correspond­ence from the years prior to our moving in together. I know some are “racy,” and all are very personal!

Though it might be interestin­g to read the love letters of a couple from that time period, I’m not sure I want my nieces and nephews reading these emotionall­y intimate letters.

— Preferring Privacy

Dear Amy: My parents are long since gone, and two of my dearest possession­s are treasures that my mom saved.

One is a poem she wrote while dad was overseas during WWII. It wasn’t racy, but it did mention “sex,” which is probably the only time my sweet mom uttered the word.

The other is my dad’s pocket diary. It had a picture of my mom and the kids, and a note saying he had his orders for home, thanking a God he had almost stopped believing in!

My other prized possession is a book containing letters written by my great-great-grandfathe­r to his wife as he struggled with life as a stretcher bearer and medic with the Ohio 34th Regiment during the Civil War!

He wrote her almost daily with things sometimes trivial, often dire.

Nearly all of them signed with the same closing, which appropriat­ely became the book’s title: “In Love and Fidelity.”

— George Sprecher.

Dear Amy: My mother wrote to my father every day, except one — the day my sister was born — while he served in the Pacific during World War II.

He burned them, along with every one of the many he wrote, after she died when I was 16. It still hurts.

I hope “Upset’s” mother will save those letters.

— Still Sad Son, Alexandria, Virginia

Dear Amy: When my mom died last year, I found two letters she had written to my dad, when he was on an aircraft carrier off the coast of Vietnam in 1967.

I was a baby at the time. Those letters gave me a glimpse into her life over 50 years before, and I found them to be a great treasure. Save the letters!

— J. English

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