Hartford Courant

Older sister may be bugging family members

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter@askingamy — No Contact Dear No Contact: Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: I have been trying to figure out how to deal with family members that decide to cut off all communicat­ion with me without explanatio­n.

One episode happened with my niece, who is in her 30s.

The last thing I said to her was, “Would you like to come over to visit?”

Her response was, “Why do people keep trying to make me do things that I don’t want to do?” And that was the last time she talked to me.

She blocked me from her social media and hasn’t responded to any text message or phone calls. It has been almost three years.

Just a few months ago my youngest sister out of nowhere cut me off from her social media. I asked her why and she said, “I don’t want to share my life with you right now.”

I asked what I did or said and she said, “I’m asking for some space.”

I’ve asked my other sister and our mother what I did, and they don’t know.

This sister recently traveled to our area, and when she was visiting with my mother, she wouldn’t allow me, my husband or any of our children to go over to my mother’s house.

My mother allowed her to take this control.

I still have no idea what I did that caused any of this.

My little sister still talks to our two other sisters.

This is really hard for me because I’m 20 years older than this sister, and I was like a second mom to her. I did so much for her growing up. Up until recently we were close, or so I thought. What did I do?

— In the Dark

Dear In the Dark: Insisting on distance when there is discomfort (or conflict) seems to be built in to the basic emotional operating system for some families.

Your mother’s choice to give in to your sister’s control over who visits her household speaks volumes. The passive-aggressive silencing technique might extend back generation­s.

You are obviously bugging these younger family members, and my instinct is that if you are substantia­lly older than they are, and if you see yourself as a mother figure to them, you are most likely weighing in on their choices and intruding on social media, where the tone of a comment can easily be misunderst­ood.

This is — at best — uncool. At worst, it is intrusive and embarrassi­ng.

Your sister has asked for “some space,” and you should respect her request and give her space.

And because your family members are both volatile and avoidant, you should review your own tone on social media and consider doing things differentl­y.

Dear Amy: I know you have been tackling lots of questions about vaccinatio­n (and receiving some heat). Honestly, I believe that people have the right to keep their status private. I would never ask about someone’s vaccinatio­n choice.

I’m not sure why people feel the need to know about others’ vaccinatio­ns. Your take on this?

— Wondering

Like you, I have never asked anyone’s vax status,

Dear Wondering:

because I believe the medical evidence, stating that my own vaccinatio­n protects me from the more severe aspects of the COVID-19 illness.

At a recent event, a person asked me if I was vaccinated. I responded: “Why are you asking?”

Turns out that they were using this more or less as a conversati­on-starter.

Medically vulnerable people must do everything possible to protect their own health, and if that includes asking about vaccinatio­n status, they should do so. But, if you are not medically vulnerable, this is not a conversati­on starter, but a conversati­on ender.

Dear Amy: “Trying to Repent” wanted to apologize to his former girlfriend for his abusive behavior during the relationsh­ip. Your advice not to contact her was well-put.

A woman I dated in the past reached out and apologized for the way she handled things. I was genuinely upset she messaged me and waited two weeks to respond.

She told me she apologized because she felt “bad” about how she handled things. How self-serving.

A person’s decision to try to grow should not come at the expense of someone else being victimized a second time.

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