Hartford Courant

Police body camera usage still unclear

As deadline nears, some department­s don’t have them

- By Andrew Brown Ct Mirror

Local police department­s throughout Connecticu­t are expected to equip all of their officers with body cameras by July 2022 in order to increase transparen­cy and public trust in law enforcemen­t.

But with less than a year before that new requiremen­t goes into effect, it remains unclear exactly how many of the state’s municipal police officers are already wearing cameras and how many still need to be outfitted with the technology.

That’s because nobody at the state level is monitoring how many police department­s are in compliance the mandate, which was included in a sweeping police accountabi­lity bill that passed in 2020 following a wave of protests against police violence and the murder of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s.

Officials with the state Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, which oversees the Police Officers Standards and Training Council, said they are not actively tracking the adoption of body cameras in Connecticu­t. And the state Office of Policy and

Management, which administer­s grants that cover part of the cost of the cameras, said the agency was only aware of which police department­s had applied for that state funding to this point.

Marc Pelka, the undersecre­tary for criminal justice policy and planning at OPM, said the police accountabi­lity bill didn’t designate a state agency to oversee the implementa­tion of the body camera requiremen­t. “There is no enforcemen­t mechanism regarding compliance,” he said.

The staff at OPM, Pelka added, is focused on setting up the latest grant program for body cameras and educating local police depart

ments about how to apply for and access that state money.

There are roughly 94 local police department­s scattered throughout Connecticu­t’s 169 towns and cities, and the police chiefs at those agencies are responsibl­e for overseeing more than 6,000 sworn officers, according to the most recent data published by the state.

Many of the department­s that didn’t have body cameras before the passage of the police accountabi­lity bill have worked over the past year to make those purchases.

Simsbury, Manchester, Rocky Hill and East Hartford, for instance, submitted applicatio­ns for state grant funding not long after the special session ended. And local news outlets across Connecticu­t have documented the approval of body cameras this year in places like Suffield, Ridgefield and West Hartford.

Still, the lack of oversight by the state makes it difficult to determine whether every police department is moving quickly enough to test the cameras, find the necessary funding and outfit their officers ahead of the deadline next summer.

It also makes it difficult for Connecticu­t residents to know if they can expect the officers in their town to be recording during traffic stops or when they respond to domestic disputes, mental health checks and other emergency calls.

Sen. Gary Winfield, D-new Haven, said he was not surprised that some local police department­s still need to acquire

body cameras. The Democratic-controlled legislatur­e, Winfield pointed out, has been trying to incentiviz­e police agencies in Connecticu­t to adopt body cameras for more than five years, yet there are still agencies that have not bought into the technology.

“I am unfortunat­ely a person who believes that there will still be department­s that will not do what they are supposed to,” Winfield said.

Winfield recognized that it was a problem that there was no organized effort to track each police department’s progress in adopting body cameras, but he said that could be corrected next year if there is any question about whether all of the local agencies are complying. He said he would consider sponsoring legislatio­n requiring each department to certify that they purchased the cameras and were actively using the technology.

“You cannot be a functionin­g police operation in 2021 and not have body cameras,” Winfield said. “It’s good for the public.

It’s good for police. We can really see what is happening.”

Money left on the table

The push for body cameras in Connecticu­t began in earnest in 2015, following the high-profile killings of Michael Brown in Missouri and Walter Scott in South Carolina, two Black men who were gunned down by police. That year, Connecticu­t lawmakers voted to create a grant program to help fund the purchase of body cameras for state troopers, campus police and local department­s throughout the state.

More than $12 million was eventually offered up for that effort — $10 million of which was dedicated to local police forces.

The state initially promised to refund local department­s 100% of the cost of the camera purchases. Even so, many department­s were slow to apply for the grants.

Some police chiefs in the state voiced concerns about the recurring expenses their department­s would face to digitally store thousands of hours of video. The state might cover the startup fees, they pointed out, but that didn’t help the department­s cover the ongoing costs of maintainin­g those systems.

As a result, more than $3.5 million of the grant funding remained unused by the time Floyd’s murder last year reignited calls for police reforms in Connecticu­t.

Several leading Democratic lawmakers voiced frustratio­ns over the fact that the grant money continued to go unclaimed while legislativ­e reports estimated that more than half of the local police officers in the state continued to operate without body cameras.

The lack of interest by some police department­s helped to convince state lawmakers of the need for the statewide mandate last year.

Connecticu­t is not the only state to recently take that step. At least six others, including Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Carolina, now require officers to wear the recording devices, according to a 2021 report from the National Conference of State Legislatur­es.

The leaders of several police department­s in Connecticu­t who have been working with body cameras for several years said there may be some initial apprehensi­on among officers who are using the cameras for the first time, but they say the technology can benefit both the public and the police.

The cameras can be used as part of internal investigat­ions. Officers can rely on the video to help prepare their police reports. And in some instances, it can protect police from wrongful claims of misconduct.

Leon Krolikowsk­i, New Canaan’s police chief, said one reason his department equipped its officers with cameras in 2015 was because of the proliferat­ion of cellphone cameras and members of the public videotapin­g police. Over the past six years, Krolikowsk­i said, they’ve used the body cameras to review incidents when officers believed they were being falsely accused of something. “We go straight to the video, and it diffuses things,” he said.

David Wolf, a lieutenant with the Westport Police Department, said the cameras have also proved to be a valuable addition in their coastal town.

“I can’t say anything bad about them,” Wolf said. “Time and time again, they have proved to be an important tool.”

There is at least $4 million in state money that is currently available to department­s that are acquiring cameras for the first time, but the state is no longer being as generous with the grants as it was in past years. Municipali­ties that are considered economical­ly distressed will still be reimbursed for up to 50% of the cost, but the remaining towns and cities are only eligible for 30% reimbursem­ent.

 ?? FILE ?? South Windsor police Officer Charlie Bowes wears one of the department’s body cameras in 2015. South Windsor was one of the first department­s in the region to adopt the devices.
FILE South Windsor police Officer Charlie Bowes wears one of the department’s body cameras in 2015. South Windsor was one of the first department­s in the region to adopt the devices.
 ?? COURANT FILE PHOTO ?? Hartford Deputy Police Chief Sonia Watson, Hartford
Mayor Luke Bronin and Hartford Police Chief David Rosado introduced Hartford’s first body-worn camera pilot program in 2019.
COURANT FILE PHOTO Hartford Deputy Police Chief Sonia Watson, Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin and Hartford Police Chief David Rosado introduced Hartford’s first body-worn camera pilot program in 2019.

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