Hartford Courant

Client’s crush on therapist creates dilemma

- — Anonymous in NC By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­on.com Twitter@askingamy — Grandma H — Upset

Dear Amy: I’m a heterosexu­al woman. Over the course of my life, there have been a couple of instances where women were attracted to me, but when they realized what was happening, I think they got scared and backed off. I didn’t stop them.

I’ve been seeing a therapist for quite some time, and I realize I’m attracted to her. I know you will say this is transferen­ce, but I don’t think so.

My therapist and I are both in our 70s, and we have a lot in common.

She has even said to me that she considers me a friend, as well as a client.

I do obsess about her, wishing we could do things together outside of therapy. She knows there’s something I’m obsessing about, but I told her I couldn’t talk about it with her. It is absolutely driving me crazy, but I can’t help what I feel.

I can’t stop therapy because I would miss her so much, and there are some other things I’m trying to work through.

But the more I see her, the more it hurts to know that I can’t see her outside of the office. What are your thoughts on this?

Dear Anonymous: Your attraction to your therapist is greatly affecting your therapeuti­c work. Your obsession is actually keeping you in therapy because you want to continue to spend time with your therapist, so it is possible that you aren’t bringing up this or the “other things” you are trying to work through because you want to delay the possibilit­y of graduating. The reasons you can’t discuss this are also the reasons why you must discuss this.

I have read through the ethics rules regarding sexual relationsh­ips between therapist and client set out by the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n (Apa.org), which are all designed to protect the client from harm.

Reasons to discuss this now — in therapy — are:

This speaks to a core aspect of your sexuality.

It is affecting the other work you are determined to do.

And it is unfair to your therapist, both as a clinician and as a fellow human being to withhold this important informatio­n.

The ethical guidelines are extremely clear regarding relationsh­ips between therapist and clients. Once you stop being a client, however, the rules loosen somewhat. The recommenda­tion is that a therapist wait at least two years after the profession­al relationsh­ip has ceased before engaging in an intimate relationsh­ip.

The burden is on the therapist to make a decision that won’t harm you. She can’t begin to assess this aspect of your work together until you disclose how you feel.

Dear Amy: My 27-year-old grandson, who is getting married, called me up screaming at the top of his lungs saying I was a Republican and Nazi, that I am dead to him and to “(expletive) off ” — all because his grandfathe­r (my husband) asked our daughter (his mother) if they got vaccinated.

This was a concern because we are flying across the country, and I am supposed to officiate his wedding.

I tried calming him down to explain, but his rage was beyond any reasoning. As of now we will still be going, but not attending the wedding.

My daughter acts like this is normal behavior and he’ll come around.

I don’t know if I will.

Dear Grandma: Who talks like this? Who talks like this to his own grandmothe­r? If I were you, I wouldn’t wait for him to “come around.” Everything else aside, his rage does not make him a safe person to be around. Rebook your trip to a more pleasant destinatio­n.

Dear Amy: You ran a letter written by “Conflicted,” who wondered how to respond to a family member who had been arrested for possessing child pornograph­y. He said, “As far as I know, he has not physically abused any children.”

Every single time someone obtains or shares child pornograph­y, the children are revictimiz­ed. This is child abuse, and I was disappoint­ed that you didn’t point that out.

Dear Upset: Many readers responded, making the same cogent and correct point. I wish I had chosen to challenge the writer’s assertion. Thank you for doing so.

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