Hartford Courant

Success in virus fight puzzles Japan

Cases plummet, but officials don’t have a clear answer why

- By Mari Yamaguchi

TOKYO — Almost overnight, Japan has become a stunning, and somewhat mysterious, coronaviru­s success story.

Daily new COVID-19 cases have plummeted from a mid-august peak of nearly 6,000 in Tokyo, with caseloads in the densely populated capital now routinely below 100, an 11-month low.

The bars are packed, the trains are crowded, and the mood is celebrator­y, despite a general bafflement over what, exactly, is behind the sharp drop.

Japan, unlike other places in Europe and Asia, has never had anything close to a lockdown, just a series of states of emergency.

Some possible factors in Japan’s success include a belated but remarkably rapid vaccinatio­n campaign, an emptying out of many nightlife areas as fears spread during the recent surge in cases, a widespread practice, well before the pandemic, of wearing masks and bad weather in late August that kept people home.

But with vaccine efficacy gradually waning and winter approachin­g, experts worry that without knowing what exactly why cases have dropped so drasticall­y, Japan could face another wave like this summer, when hospitals overflowed with serious cases and deaths soared — though the numbers were lower than pre-vaccinatio­n levels.

Many credit the vaccinatio­n campaign, especially among younger people, for bringing infections down. Nearly 70% of the population is fully vaccinated.

“Rapid and intensive vaccinatio­ns in Japan

among those younger than 64 might have created a temporary condition similar to herd immunity,” said Dr. Kazuhiro Tateda, a Toho University professor of virology.

Tateda noted that vaccinatio­n rates surged in July to September, just as the more infectious delta variant was spreading fast.

He cautioned, however, that breakthrou­gh infections in the U.S., Britain and other places where inoculatio­ns began months earlier than in Japan show that vaccines alone are not perfect and efficacy gradually wears off.

Japan’s vaccinatio­ns started in mid-february, with health workers and the elderly first in line.

Shortages of imported vaccines kept progress slow until late May, when the supply stabilized and daily inoculatio­n targets were raised to above 1 million doses to maximize protection

before the Olympics in July and August.

The number of daily shots rose to about 1.5 million in July, pushing vaccinatio­n rates from 15% in early July to 65% by early October.

Daily new cases surged just weeks ahead of the Olympics, forcing Japan to hold the Games with daily caseloads of more than 5,000 in Tokyo and around 20,000 nationwide in early August. Tokyo reported 40 cases Sunday, below 100 for the ninth straight day and lowest this year. Nationwide, Japan reported 429 cases Sunday for an accumulate­d total of about 1.71 million and 18,000 deaths since the pandemic began early last year.

So why the drop?

“It’s a tough question, and we have to consider the effect of the vaccinatio­ns progress, which is extremely big,” said Disease Control and Prevention Center Director Norio

Ohmagari. “At the same time, people who gather in high-risk environmen­ts, such as crowded and less-ventilated places, may have been already infected and acquired natural immunity by now.”

Though some speculated that the drop in cases might be due to less testing, Tokyo metropolit­an government data showed the positivity rate fell from 25% in late August to 1% in mid-october, while the number of tests fell by one-third. Masataka Inokuchi, the Tokyo Medical Associatio­n deputy chief, said falling positivity rates show infections have slowed.

Japan’s state of emergency measures were not lockdowns but requests that focused mainly on bars and restaurant­s, which were asked to close early and not serve alcohol. Many people continued to commute on crowded trains, and attended sports and cultural

events at stadiums with some social distancing controls.

The emergency requests have ended and the government is gradually expanding social and economic activity while allowing athletic events and package tours on a trial basis using vaccinatio­n certificat­es and increased testing.

To speed up inoculatio­ns, former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who left office recently, expanded the number of health workers legally eligible to give shots, opened large-scale vaccinatio­n centers and promoted workplace vaccinatio­ns beginning in late June.

Kyoto University professor Hiroshi Nishiura told a recent government advisory board that he estimates vaccinatio­ns helped some 650,000 people avoid infection and saved more than 7,200 lives between March and September.

Many experts initially blamed younger people, seen drinking on the streets, for spreading the virus, but said data showed many in their 40s and 50s also frequented nightlife districts. Most serious cases and deaths were among the unvaccinat­ed in their 50s or younger.

Takaji Wakita, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, said he is worried people have resumed partying, noting that the slowing of infections may have already hit bottom.

“It is important to further push down the caseloads in case of a future resurgence of infections,” Wakita said.

Many people are cautious about letting their guard down.

Mask-wearing “has become so normal,” said university student Mizuki Kawano.

“I’m still worried about the virus,” she added.

 ?? KYODO NEWS ?? A woman receives a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in a game room with pachinko machines Sept. 13 in Osaka, Japan.
KYODO NEWS A woman receives a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in a game room with pachinko machines Sept. 13 in Osaka, Japan.

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