Hartford Courant

Court packing remains on the table

- By Noah Feldman Bloomberg Opinion Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency LLC.

It should be no surprise to anyone that the Biden administra­tion’s commission on Supreme Court reform seems poised to offer recommenda­tions that will not endorse packing the court.

After all, the commission was born of

Joe Biden’s desire during the presidenti­al campaign not to commit himself to adding new justices. It was populated with distinguis­hed legal scholars and members of the bar, most of whom share a meaningful commitment to the preservati­on of our legal institutio­ns.

But it doesn’t follow that court packing is permanentl­y off the table. That’s because of the wild card introduced by the Mississipp­i antiaborti­on law that the Supreme Court will consider this fall and decide next spring.

Put bluntly, if the court overturns Roe v. Wade, all bets are off. That ruling would energize the Democratic base before the 2022 midterms, and if the party continues to control the House and the Senate, their voters will bring enormous pressure to bear on the leadership to restore abortion rights. If, as a practical matter, Biden and Democratic leaders in Congress hold the power to pack the court and restore Roe, it might be politicall­y impossible for them to refuse to do so.

The game theory behind the interactio­n of court-packing advocates, the reform commission, the Democratic leadership and the Supreme Court is intricate — but not so intricate that it can’t be mapped.

The court-packing advocates are still enraged by Republican Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell’s successful efforts to block the appointmen­t of then Judge Merrick Garland to the court and the separate but equally devastatin­g filling of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat by Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

These two events had different causes. The former was an exercise of raw political power; the latter was a consequenc­e of Ginsburg’s human fallibilit­y and frailty. Together, however, they flipped the balance of the court to the conservati­ve side, probably for a generation. Packing the court, to the advocates, is the only way to reverse or avoid a new era of conservati­ve judicial activism.

The Democratic leadership, led by Biden, genuinely fears that packing the court would destroy the institutio­n permanentl­y as Republican­s would do the same when they got the chance. What’s more, moderate Democrats don’t want to bear the political cost of alienating swing voters

by such a radical act.

At the same time, Biden and the party’s congressio­nal leaders can’t afford to alienate the Democratic base too much by ignoring growing concerns about the court’s conservati­ve turn.

The first implicit job of the commission was to calm the waters by listening to all points of view and recommendi­ng caution. The commission’s second job was to send a message to the Supreme Court justices that the idea of court packing is no longer inconceiva­ble, even if it remains disfavored.

One way to do that was through a minority of commission members recommendi­ng court packing explicitly. Another way was allowing advocates of the idea to air their views before the commission. The goal here is to encourage Justice Brett Kavanaugh (and maybe even Barrett) to realize that any victory associated with the overturnin­g Roe would be short-lived — and would lead to the destructio­n of an institutio­n about which they care.

Seen from the perspectiv­e of the Supreme Court justices, a serious threat of court packing would be devastatin­g. A

handful, such as Justice Clarence Thomas and perhaps Justice Samuel Alito, truly don’t care, subscribin­g to the Latin maxim “fiat justitia ruat caelum” — let justice be done though the heavens fall.

For most of the justices on both sides of the ideologica­l divide, however, a packed court would represent a court reduced in prestige, legitimacy and power. Justice Stephen Breyer, a pragmatic liberal who wants Roe preserved, has stayed on the court for an extra year to fight the idea because he cares about the institutio­n and the rule of law.

For conservati­ves, court packing by Democrats would have a further cost: Their crusade to overturn Roe would turn out to have been a Pyrrhic victory. So the conservati­ves must ask themselves: Is it worth inviting the risk by repudiatin­g Roe?

If Roe is reversed, moderate Democrats will try to deflect the possibilit­y of court packing by introducin­g federal legislatio­n protecting abortion rights even in states that pass anti-abortion laws.

If those laws pass, and the Supreme Court upholds them as constituti­onal, it might just be possible for the moderate

Democrats to assuage the party’s base enough to avoid packing the court.

But if the Supreme Court blocks such pro-life federal legislatio­n, which is certainly possible, the Democratic base will push so hard for court packing that the pressure on centrist Democratic senators will be far greater than the pressure currently on them to vote for the budget reconcilia­tion bill.

The upshot is that the conservati­ve justices must, right now, ask themselves what are the odds that court packing would succeed if they overrule Roe.

The best answer is that the risk would be higher than at any time in the last 90 years — no matter what the court reform commission report says.

If, however, those justices (or at least Kavanaugh, since it only would take his vote alongside Chief Justice Roberts and the three liberals) back away from the brink and keep abortion rights alive, there won’t be court packing for the foreseeabl­e future.

 ?? TASOS KATOPODIS/GETTY 2020 ?? People mourn the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in front of the Supreme Court.
TASOS KATOPODIS/GETTY 2020 People mourn the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in front of the Supreme Court.

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