Hartford Courant

Scarnecchi­a believes Belichick will get Pats out of their slump

- By Karen Guregian

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — The Patriots are dealing with internal issues. Based on comments made following Thursday night’s loss to the Bills, there’s a lack of buy-in with the offense.

And it’s not just one player. It’s quarterbac­k Mac Jones, who had an outburst during the game, as well as several other players in the locker room, namely wide receiver Kendrick Bourne, who questioned the scheme and what was happening on third down.

So now what?

The Patriots are teetering on the edge with a Monday night game in Arizona on tap. They’re a borderline playoff team. Either it’s going to be a mess the rest of the way, with a clubhouse in turmoil over the offense, or Belichick will somehow right the ship.

Former Patriots offensive line coach and top Belichick assistant Dante Scarnecchi­a, who has been through a few of these rodeos, offered a few pearls of wisdom. His expectatio­n was that the coaches and players would get together and air out grievances, address the issues, and move on.

“This is just one guy’s personal opinion. I’m not projecting anything, or saying anybody’s right, or anybody’s wrong, or anything like that,” Scarnecchi­a said when reached Monday, “but I would say I think issues, especially anything of that nature, needs to be addressed. It needs to be talked about, and talked about outright.”

Scarnecchi­a is a firm believer that good can come from conflict. He learned that from former Patriots head coach Bill Parcells.

“If I don’t meet your expectatio­ns as a coach, and I’m not doing everything that’s necessary to be successful, then you have a right to be in conflict with me. As I do you if you don’t meet my expectatio­ns. So conflict’s not bad,” said Scarnecchi­a. “It’s uncomforta­ble. But sometimes the truth is necessary, as long as you’re willing to stare it down and do all the things necessary to improve, then that’s what it’s all about.”

By the sound of it, Belichick and the players have addressed the elephant in the room in some fashion.

On WEEI Monday, Jones sounded like the page had turned, saying it was important to have those tough conversati­ons with the coaching staff.

“It’s everybody being accountabl­e. That’s the definition of tough coaching — it’s hard conversion­s,” Jones said. “If something may have not gotten right with a player, ‘hey, you did this wrong.’ As a player, it’s ‘ok, how can I fix it?’ I think our coaches have done that and we have to lock into that and ‘alright, what’s the problem and how can I solve it?’

“We understand it’s us the player. We have to trust the coaches, which we are,” he went on. “They put a lot of hard work into it. That’s what we have to do. It’s a player’s game. We want to come together and play together.”

With no changes on the immediate horizon in terms of play calling and scheme, it’s the only way the team can move on. Knowing how Belichick runs his ship, Scarnecchi­a believes this too shall pass.

“You have to keep everything in perspectiv­e. You can’t overreact. But you can’t sit there and say ‘well it’s going to get better tomorrow’,” said Scarnecchi­a. “You have to do everything you can to make sure that you’re taking all the steps to get it right today. Discussion is always helpful.”

As Scarnecchi­a recalled, that always worked when Tom Brady lost his mind on the sideline. Brady certainly had a few blowups over the years, most notably with coordinato­rs Bill O’brien and Josh Mcdaniels.

That didn’t necessaril­y derail the team in the aftermath. The Patriots always seemed to recover.

With the extra time to prepare for Arizona, that should help the cause. Losing to Buffalo in the manner they did merely triggered all the angst the players have with the offense, and the plays being called.

Scarnecchi­a, however, believes they’ll get past it.

“They have a big game coming up, Monday night, so that’s the whole focus. That’s the game they got to point to, and the game they gotta win,” Scarnecchi­a said. “Look, if they go there and play the way they want to play, and the results are the way they want them to be, things look a hell of a lot different. And that’s OK.

“I just think you just don’t lose your mind over it. You strive like hell every day to do things better, and hopefully, it’ll manifest itself the next time they play. Then, it becomes a different place.”

 ?? AP ?? Patriots coach Bill Belichick watches a game from the sidelines with offensive line coach Dante Scarnecchi­a.
AP Patriots coach Bill Belichick watches a game from the sidelines with offensive line coach Dante Scarnecchi­a.

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