Horse & Rider

Hoof-Care Help

Hoof problems? Review basic management strategies first, then consider the additional help your horse’s feet may need.


Keeping hooves at their healthiest requires ongoing attention and effort. Here’s a roundup of key strategies for promoting strong, resilient hooves, plus advice for dealing with your horse’s specific foot problems.

Good Nutrition

Healthy hooves start inside your horse. Because the hoof wall consists largely of keratin, a structural protein, your horse’s diet must contain enough high-quality protein to supply the amino acids essential for hoof growth. A good hay will provide most horses’ protein requiremen­t; if your hay is low in protein (you can tell by having it tested), consider supplement­ing your horse’s intake with a commercial concentrat­e. Also avoid feeds containing excess sugars and starches as they increase your horse’s risk of laminitis.

Profession­al Care

Set a regular schedule with a competent farrier or trimmer on a frequency that suits your horse’s needs (typically every four to six weeks). Hoof care should be individual­ized rather than formulaic. Tell your hoof-care profession­al you’re interested in optimal foot health, and chat with him or her at each visit about the ongoing condition of your horse’s hooves.

Daily Maintenanc­e

Pick out your horse’s feet regularly to keep the frog healthy and thrush-free, and to inspect the foot for early signs of injury or disease. Come to know what’s normal for your horse, including the temperatur­e of the foot in your hand (an increase can indicate inflammati­on).

Suitable Surfaces

Clean your horse’s stall or pen regularly so he’s not standing in manure. Avoid living conditions that result in his feet getting wet and then drying out every day, which promotes dryness and contractio­n of hoof tissues. Ride on appropriat­e footing free of bruise-causing stones. Use common sense on trails, and extra care anyplace you can’t see the footing clearly (e.g., muddy stream crossings). If your horse is barefoot, always consider the potential need for protective boots over ground that’s harder or rockier than he’s accustomed to.

Regular Exercise

Movement promotes circulatio­n and stimulates hoof growth. Ideally, keep your horse where he can move around naturally throughout the day and night (such as in a pasture, pen, or stall-with-run). Work him regularly, too, especially if his set-up doesn’t allow for maximum movement.

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