Horse & Rider

Circuit One


60 Seconds: Toe Taps

Get warmed up with one minute of toe-tapping to prepare your body for exercise.

30 Seconds: Push- Ups

Start with your hands shoulderwi­dth apart and directly below your shoulders, legs straight out behind you, and toes tucked. Lower toward the ground until your chest touches your implement, and then push back up to start. Keep a tight, activated core and flat back (no sagged hips or poked-up butt) through the movement. If you struggle to maintain proper form, complete the same series with your knees on the ground instead.

30 Seconds: Tricep Dips

With your hands shoulder-width apart on a stable object behind you, and your legs extended in front of you, lower your rear toward the ground. The goal is to reach a depth that achieves 90- degree elbow bend, but only lower as far as your arms can push yourself up from.

30 Seconds: Spider Plank

Start in a push- up position. Hold this position as you alternate reaching your same-side knee to your elbow. Complete the exercise on an elevated object to make the movement easier. →

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