Horse & Rider

From the Editor: Your health matters, too.


WE HORSE OWNERS ARE HYPER-AWARE OF OUR stock’s health. At the slightest sign of a problem, we jump to action, whether it’s as serious as a call to a vet or putting our best home remedies to work. We watch for every “off” step, lethargic head-hang, or uncustomar­y stance. Horse health is at the top of our list of concerns.

Conversely, we often put our own health to the side. We eat horse-show and trail-ride junk. We push through aches and pains that deserve a closer look. We ignore colds that get worse instead of better. All so we don’t miss time in the saddle. In this “wellness issue” of H&R, wd have a lineup of articles to help with both your health and your horse’s.

Fitness = Winning

Winning takes many forms in the horse world—from nabbing the blue ribbon to safely crossing a stream on a trail. No matter how you define winning, you’ll be more apt to achieve your goals if you’re a fit rider.

Take our December 2016 cover girl, barrel racer Fallon Taylor. She undertook a focused, structured fitness program to get in the best shape of her life so she can be lighter on her mount when running barrels. A lighter rider means a faster horse, which leads to quicker times. The same goes for any rider: It’s easier for your horse to do his job if you’re fit.

Additional­ly, those aches and pains that you push through can be minimized by a solid exercise and stretching program. (See page 60 for fitness pro Kelly Altschwage­r’s at-home rider-fitness program that just about anyone can try, and further informatio­n on HorseandRi­

But Back to Horse Health

Because I know that’s mostly why you’re here, reading H&R. This issue is chock full of helpful informatio­n to improve your horse’s health, from safe conditioni­ng for spring and summer riding (page 44) to the latest on vaccinatio­ns (page 26) to tricks champ Bob Avila uses to care for his horses at home (page 35).

Perhaps most unique, contributi­ng veterinari­an Barb Crabbe’s “Take the ‘One Health’ Challenge” brings a new look at the intersecti­on of horse health, human wellness, and environmen­tal consciousn­ess to the scene (page 52). Whether you sign on for the half-year challenge or simply heed a few of her pieces of advice, be sure to let me know about your strides to embrace the One Health idea. It takes all of us to make the world a better place for our horses (and humans and other animals) to keep them in the best health possible.

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