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To become part of or learn more about local Cayce followers, contact the Work of Edgar Cayce at P.O. Box 130792, Houston, TX 77219. The Edgar Cayce file Anyone who makes prediction­s about armageddon and preaches the wisdom of the lost city of Atlantis can be written off as another voice in the wake of pseudo-science online babble that corrupts many Google searches. But Cayce wasn’t the type to make bold statements about odd things just for the fanfare. He wanted to help people with his ability to divine informatio­n during his self-induced trances. Here are some quick facts about his life and beliefs.

Cayce was a Christian: Despite his use of abilities sometimes frowned-upon by followers of faith, Cayce was a devout Christian who prayed regularly, taught Sunday school and discussed his relationsh­ip with God as any other Christian would. He once said, “Christ [the spirit] is the universal consciousn­ess of love that we see manifested in those who have forgotten self, as Jesus [the man], give themselves that others may know the truth.” He tapped into the ether: Cayce explained how he got his informatio­n for prophesies or medical diagnoses as visiting the subconscio­us mind of the people who asked him questions, and tapping into the “universal memory of nature,” or what Carl Jung called the “collective unconsciou­s.” That source also has been referred to as the Akashic Records. He didn’t profit, much: Though Cayce did accept money for various readings, he refused lucrative offers to go on stage and display his talents for the masses. He predicted a wet future: Cayce predicted many things — from the death of presidents to the shifting of Earth’s poles. Among the prophesies was that much of the United States’ east coast would be submerged by rising water and that the Great Lakes would drain into the Mississipp­i River. Oddly, he chose to live in Virginia Beach, situated on the Atlantic coast, because he was certain the spot would be safe from rising water. He preached holistic medicine: Cayce’s readings for health cures or remedies often were built around holistic ideas such as eating particular food combinatio­ns, eliminatin­g harmful toxins from the diet and body and meditation.

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