Houston Chronicle Sunday

Citizen unrest


We need leaders

Regarding “Protesters press Cruz to listen to constituen­ts” (Page A4, Wednesday), the story spotlights a disturbing disconnect between our Texas congressme­n and those of their constituen­ts who are troubled by what’s happening in Washington.

John McCain, Republican U.S. senator from Arizona, is also troubled, and he’s doing something about it. He should be commended for his good work in this chaotic period of American political life — speaking out to defend our democratic values and to condemn actions that threaten them. Other U.S. senators, such as Republican Susan Collins of Maine, Democrat Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts, Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Independen­t Bernie Sanders of Vermont also have been doing similar good work. However, we are dismayed that more of our elected representa­tives are merely standing by as our president’s outrageous behavior continues unabated; he seems bent on underminin­g the foundation­s of our government with lies, assaults on a free press, disrespect for the judiciary, unhinged narcissist­ic grandiosit­y and thinly veiled malice toward those who are different or who disagree with him.

I am especially disappoint­ed that my three representa­tives in Washington — U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and U.S. Rep. John Culberson — are unresponsi­ve to constituen­t concerns, reluctant to challenge the president’s alarming behavior and unwilling to confront the disarray created by his incompeten­ce in forming a new government.

We hope they will soon step out of their hiding places and, along with other members of Congress, follow John McCain’s example of patriotic leadership.

Stephen Carroll, Houston

Hear us

Regarding “Town hall angst spreads across Texas” (Page A1, Thursday), President Donald Trump, U.S. Rep. John Culberson, R-Houston, and other Republican­s who accuse their constituen­ts who show up at district offices of being organized by liberal groups did not seem to have the same concern when the NRA organized letter writing, phone calling, emailing and protest groups to support the gun lobby. Likewise, I never heard their concerns about the organized anti-abortion groups, or the tea party groups.

If being informed when a representa­tive will be at his office or holds a town hall so that people with concerns can show up is organized, then yes, we are organized.

Joanna Pasternak, Houston

New playbook

Regarding “Trump escalates war on media” (chron.com, Friday), so if ABC, CBS, NBC reports something he doesn’t like and he denies them access ... what then? Where does the buck stop? He’s only taking a page from the playbook of his Republican congressio­nal colleagues. Shutting down town halls and bending over backward to dismiss real concerns. Cameron Drew Rison,

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