Houston Chronicle Sunday

Meteorolog­ist assesses flood risk for Greenwood King Realtors


Harris County meteorolog­ist Jeff Lindner, well-known to Houstonian­s for his reassuring on-camera demeanor during Hurricane Harvey and the resultant floods, spoke about flood risk in Harris County at a recent Greenwood King Properties sales meeting.

“Everyone in Harris County is at risk for flooding,” Lindner said. “This area is flat, so the highest risk for us in Harris County is shallow flooding, called ponding, such as the Tax Day Flood.”

“Remember, if you are in the 100-year flood plain, that does not mean that you will flood once every 100 years,” Lindner said. “It means you have a 1 percent chance of flooding every year. Our streets are constructe­d to be water conduits in heavy rainfall, but past a certain amount, the water will rise onto lawns and enter homes. Homeowner’s insurance does not cover rising water, so flood insurance through FEMA is the only way to protect your property from loss in a flood.”

“Jeff provided our Realtors with valuable insight about flooding and highlighte­d the importance of buying flood insurance,” said Julie Greenwood, Greenwood King cofounder/owner.

 ??  ?? Greenwood King management team members Sandra Spencer, Linda King, Sandy Benson, and Elaine Moore visit with Harris County meteorolog­ist Jeff Lindner.
Greenwood King management team members Sandra Spencer, Linda King, Sandy Benson, and Elaine Moore visit with Harris County meteorolog­ist Jeff Lindner.

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