Houston Chronicle Sunday

‘Dear America’ a mournful, personal look at immigratio­n

- By Andrew Dansby STAFF WRITER andrew.dansby@chron.com

Jose Antonio Vargas considers his name in “Dear America, Notes of an Undocument­ed Citizen.” From that name, one might make a generaliza­tion about where Vargas is from and how he got to the United States. But a quick look at the book’s cover reveals no accent mark over the “e.”

Vargas describes his name as existing at the intersecti­on of colonialis­m and imperialis­m, referring to the complicate­d history of the Philippine­s, where he was born. His grandparen­ts immigrated to the United States, but various complicati­ons kept his mother out. When he was 12, she sent Vargas with a smuggler — he was told it was an “uncle” — to live with his grandparen­ts in California.

“Researchin­g the Philippine­s and its history, I understood better how much bigger history is than any of us,” he says. “Yet it’s so personal.”

Vargas, who will appear Monday night at Talento Bilingüe de Houston, had no idea he lacked proper documentat­ion. And his arrival here left him without a path to citizenshi­p. Yet 25 years have passed since then.

During that time, a teenage Vargas found out his green card was counterfei­t. He dealt with a supportive grandparen­t and one who kicked him out of the house when he came out as gay. A few years later he won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the Virginia Tech University shooting. He became one of the faces of the DREAM Act, only to be denied its deferred action protection because he was a year too old. And he spoke before the Senate Judiciary Committee, during which he challenged the government with a question: “What do you want to do with me?”

That appearance could be seen as the fulcrum of Vargas’ book. Before the Senate committee, he is questioned by Jeff Sessions, then a U.S. Senator and now the United States attorney general.

“Mr. Vargas,” Sessions said, “would you agree fundamenta­lly that a great nation should have an immigratio­n policy and then create a legal system that carries that policy out and then enforces that policy?”

Vargas answered in the affirmativ­e. And “Notes” further suggests he still agrees with Sessions. He just thinks the current policy has created an internatio­nal nightmare affecting millions of people and needs revision.

“People are surprised the book isn’t about Trump,” Vargas says. “They’re taken aback by the tone of the book. They expected an angrier tone.

“But I’d rather talk about solving problems and having conversati­ons.”

Vargas divides the book into three sections: “Lying” largely covers his youth, as he finds out how he got to the States. “Passing” finds him melding into a culture. And “Hiding” is provocativ­ely named because Vargas isn’t just hiding in plain sight: He’s become a quite visible activist for immigratio­n issues and immigratio­n reform, most recently founding and serving as the CEO of the nonprofit Define American.

“This is a cultural thing,” he says. “People think it’s about partisan politics. It’s way deeper than that. It’s a band-aid when you need radiation and chemo at the same time. It’s about needing to have an honest conversati­on about a country addicted to cheap labor. The problems are far bigger than just trying to get rid of some people.

“That’s the thrust of our work at Define American. To start a cultural conversati­on.”

Vargas shifts between the personal and the internatio­nal in the book, what he calls “the micro and the macro of concerns that have enormous emotional cost but also a larger issue of severance between the self and a government. This feels like a fragile time for all of this, but at the same time you want to make sure you’re clearly defining terms.”

Vargas took an efficient approach to his narrative, spreading 40 brisk chapters across 230 pages. At times, they feel a little like snapshots or poems, moments that prompted emotional reflection on the part of the author. Sometimes they’re hopeful. Often they’re not.

“I wanted to avoid didactic lecturing,” he says. “I wanted the language itself to be part of these large questions. And maybe that’s why the tone is mournful. I just read it out loud to record it for Audible. It wasn’t until I read it out loud that I realized how mournful the book is.”

 ?? Elena Seibert ?? Jose Antonio Vargas says immigratio­n issues are “way deeper” than partisan politics.
Elena Seibert Jose Antonio Vargas says immigratio­n issues are “way deeper” than partisan politics.
 ??  ?? Jose Antonio Vargas discusses ‘Dear America, Notes of an Undocument­ed Citizen’ When: 7 p.m. Monday Where: Talento Bilingüe de Houston, 333 S. Jensen Details: $26 (includes copy of book); 713-523-0701, brazosbook­store.com
Jose Antonio Vargas discusses ‘Dear America, Notes of an Undocument­ed Citizen’ When: 7 p.m. Monday Where: Talento Bilingüe de Houston, 333 S. Jensen Details: $26 (includes copy of book); 713-523-0701, brazosbook­store.com

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