Houston Chronicle Sunday

Compensate migrant families hurt by cruel family separation border policy.

Compensati­on to separated migrant families for their trauma is appropriat­e.


How do you compensate for harming the brain of a child?

That was the question posed last week when lawyers filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of young girls and boys taken from their parents under the Trump administra­tion’s disastrous “zero tolerance” policy. Begun in April, halted in June after a torrent of outrage, the plan criminaliz­ed anyone who crossed into the United States without papers, including families seeking asylum.

As a result, even asylum seekers faced criminal charges in federal court, then removal proceeding­s. Their children who came with them were sent to federal shelters. The lawsuit alleges that the government violated due process by taking children from their parents and exposing them to trauma while in custody.

It’s up to the courts to decide if this complaint has merit. But the suit is a needed foray into demanding accountabi­lity for the Trump government’s cruelty to children — and what could be a lifetime of aftereffec­ts.

Many Americans believe the detention of children is over. The opposite is true: A range of administra­tion policies are normalizin­g child detention. Even now, scores of children remain separated from their parents. New plans for child detention are chugging ahead: The Department of Health and Human Services announced it will triple the size of a Texas tent colony for migrant children to 3,800 beds, and the administra­tion is asking the Pentagon to house children on military bases. The administra­tion has proposed regulation­s allowing children to be detained indefinite­ly, without their parents and without court oversight.

The lawsuit represents two Guatemalan families seeking asylum, but asks for certificat­ion to cover all other migrant children taken from their families now and in the future. Embracing all those minors in one lawsuit isn’t far-fetched. The types of trauma described by the Guatemalan families have been echoed by hundreds of young detainees.

Consider the story told by one family in the lawsuit: Soon after the 17-year-old boy and 9-year old girl were taken from their mother, they say immigratio­n officials locked them in the “hielera,” or refrigerat­or, an icy-cold, concrete-floored room where migrants are routinely confined with only Mylar sheets for warmth. The girl reported that officers pulled her hair and woke her at all hours of the night; the boy stated that an officer kicked him repeatedly in the back. Both siblings described border officials deriding the weeping children around them, calling them “trash” in Spanish, and yelling at them to stop crying.

Hundreds of other children describe similar cruelty. A child welfare veteran who volunteere­d at the Dilley family detention center told the Chronicle she interviewe­d an 8-year-old boy who had witnessed a guard at another facility kicking a child. Other volunteers detailed reports of rampant emotional abuse: officers telling children they had been put up for adoption, promising to bring back a child’s mother and never returning, telling children they would never see their parents again. The children the volunteers talked with often acted manic, cried inconsolab­ly or rocked back and forth.

No child deserves such treatment, which medical experts call abuse. It’s worth noting, though, that hundreds of families ended up in this situation after following U.S. law scrupulous­ly, declaring themselves asylum seekers upon crossing the border.

It doesn’t take a doctor to know that ripping children from their most-trusted protectors harms them deeeply, both emotionall­y and physically. Prolonged trauma has been shown to stunt brain developmen­t. Millions of Americans know that the trauma of family separation echoes for generation­s. The haunting book “Help Me To Find My People” documents the lengths to which AfricanAme­rican children went seeking their parents, sometimes after whole lifetimes separated by slavery. In Houston, 89-year old concentrat­ion camp survivor Ben Waserman remains haunted by the loss of his father, arrested and murdered by Nazis when Waserman was a child: “It is a tremendous thing to be separated from your parent.”

The migrants’ lawsuit doesn’t specify damages, but it does call for creation of a mental health care fund, which lawyers say could run to the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Legal accountabi­lity isn’t just for these children. It’s for all of us. One trait that really does make America great is the use of law to correct past wrongs. That’s why President Ronald Reagan signed a bill in 1988 apologizin­g to Americans of Japanese descent for their incarcerat­ion during World War II — and providing money in symbolic redress. Advocates for the bill invoked the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., arguing, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Social science bears this out. Legal consequenc­es for discrimina­tion do more than simply punish bad behavior. When we see anti-discrimina­tion laws enforced, the values they stand for can sink into our bones and become norms. They guide our behavior.

Almost unfathomab­ly, hurting children as a matter of policy may become the new American normal. Let’s keep up the bipartisan outcry to stop it.

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