Houston Chronicle Sunday

Transgende­r people should be allowed to defend our country


As our country continues to reckon with changing norms of gender and sexual identity, it’s becoming more common to find people who think that transgende­r men and women should be able to serve in the military.

Perhaps more importantl­y, trans people now also have the voices of hundreds of heterosexu­al, lesbian, gay and bisexual service members who would welcome them into their military ranks.

This is according to a first-of-its-kind study funded by the Department of Defense, which examined survey data from 486 non-trans, verified active-duty service members across the four major branches of the U.S. military.

Their responses forcefully contradict the myth that transgende­r service members degrade unit readiness, or “burden” or “disrupt” the military, as President Donald Trump tweeted in 2017 when he banned trans people from joining the armed forces.

Aaron Belkin, the executive director of the nonpartisa­n Palm Center, said this in a news release highlighti­ng the findings:

“This research ... gives the lie to the claim that transgende­r Americans disrupt the cohesion or readiness of the U.S. military. If the military really cares about cohesion, it should read the research it funds or stop wasting taxpayer money.”

Going back decades, the rationale for bans of various types — including against women and people of color — has been that unit cohesion relies on homogeneit­y.

This has led to the evolution of myths that our nation’s service members must share the same muscle mass, body compositio­n, religious beliefs or culture.

But, of course, race, gender, geographic origin and religion have always mattered little in what makes excellent military personnel. (Did you know that the U.S. military now formally recognizes Heathens, Druids and Wiccans in addition to atheists and agnostics?)

In the proverbial foxhole, what matters to service people is faithfulne­ss to each other built over months and years of training together, loyalty to their mission and a deep calling to serve and protect their country.

What’s inside a service person’s undergarme­nts has little impact on any of this.

Notice I didn’t say “no impact.”

The truth is that, while two-thirds of all non-trans military people surveyed support transgende­r service, there are some variations in how individual subgroups responded.

Not surprising­ly, 82 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual respondent­s supported transgende­r military service, compared with 57 percent of heterosexu­al/cisgender respondent­s.

And lesbian, gay and bisexual service members and female service members reported the greatest support of transgende­r service (81 percent and 75 percent, respective­ly), while heterosexu­al and male service members indicated the lowest support (56 percent and 62 percent, respective­ly).

Black and Latinx service members reported the highest support (69 percent and 75 percent, respective­ly) for transgende­r people serving. No doubt this is because black and brown people know what it’s like for people to conflate “different” with “lesser.”

On a particular­ly bright note, the researcher­s found that there were no statistica­lly significan­t difference­s in support for transgende­r service between the four branches of the military.

Most “new” groups gain wider acceptance as soon as they become more visible in communitie­s.

This is particular­ly tricky for trans people, because some can “pass” as their true gender identity and there’s nothing in it for them but potential sorrow if they come out. Others will never be able to transition to their desired gender to the point of fitting unambiguou­sly into what society expects to see when they think of “men” and “women.” And still others will choose to exist in some state of in-between that makes sense for them, regardless of what society’s neat categories demand.

All should be welcomed into the diverse branches of our military.

None of them asks for special treatment. Just fair and respectful treatment so that they can focus less on where they’ll be using the bathroom or sleeping and more on training to defend our country.

Cepeda is a columnist for the Washington Post.

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