Houston Chronicle Sunday

Bride puts guests’ health at risk with ‘no mask’ mantra

- Visit Miss Manners at missmanner­s.com, where you can send her you questions. Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

Dear Miss Manners:

Is it right that my niece insists on “no masks” at her wedding? She even has a friend watching for masks as people enter the church!!!

Gentle Reader:

Only if she has friends who are so eager to see her married that they are willing to risk their health.

Miss Manners hopes that prospectiv­e guests will be notified in advance so that they need not dress up, complete with what is now considered a convention­al accessory, only to be turned away at the door.

Dear Miss Manners:

Each year, I host my women friends at an open house holiday party in my home. Most of us are in our 60s or older and are understand­ably cautious about inside gatherings these days.

I can seat five or six ladies at the proper distance inside my living room, and if we are fortunate to have nice enough weather, I can seat a slightly larger number outside. Would it be terribly tacky to go ahead with my plans, but send a sign-up sheet and have the ladies indicate the time they plan to come so that I won’t go over the limit? Or should I just give up my plans until things are hopefully better in 2021?

Gentle Reader:

Although Miss Manners would be sorry to have you give up, what if your friends are all polite enough to respond immediatel­y? Are you really going to tell some that they didn’t still make the cut?

Fortunatel­y, there is precedent for staggering the arrival of guests at an open house, which, in normal times, might include a great many more people. For example, some invitation­s would say “2 to 4,” and some “4 to 6,” or even “5 to 7” if you think the early people might stick around too long.

As yours will be small parties for close friends, and they will understand the necessity for keeping the gatherings small, you could be flexible about allowing them to change time slots.

Dear Miss Manners:

As usual, I am receiving a few Christmas cards that are coming custom-printed with such sentiments as “Merry Christmas from The Johnson Family,” or “Happy Holidays from The Andersons,” instead of being hand-signed.

While I have always found these cards to be somewhat impersonal, I am willing to accept the notion that some people feel a customprin­ted card is “classy,” and I am especially willing to excuse them if they’ve taken the time to hand-address the envelope.

The straw that breaks my back is when the cards come from people who use a computer to create address labels, which is, to me, the height of impersonal.

I am writing for your permission to feel slightly insulted when I receive a card from someone whose annual Christmas- card-sending ritual doesn’t even include picking up a pen.

Gentle Reader:

Permission denied. But if you want to reverse this, Miss Manners will approve. She admires a prettily handaddres­sed envelope as much as anyone, but there is nothing classy about withholdin­g a personal touch, and the place for that is in the card itself.

Dear Miss Manners:

When, if ever, is it appropriat­e to use “reply all” in group emails? Only when asked to? I find it annoying when people reply to all.

Gentle Reader:

The proper time to reply to everyone is when the answer can reasonably be expected to be of interest to the group — and when your response respects the context, tone and subject of the original.

A company email from the boss explaining a new policy is not an invitation to tell everyone you object. A serious email about the water being shut down in the building is not an invitation to make a joke about the cleanlines­s of said water. And an email from your cousin announcing the date for the family reunion is not an invitation to open a debate about who is hosting Easter.


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