Houston Chronicle Sunday

Thank you to the volunteers at our ‘no kill’ animal shelter

- BruceMcFar­lin, Houston

Good news for furry friends

Regarding “BARC sets new record in keeping animals from being euthanized,” (Dec. 29): Your article hit me hard. The pictures of dogs being shipped to other locations for adoption were heartbreak­ing. I could not read any further so I tossed the Chronicle into the trash can. I went over to my dog Charlie and gave him a big hug. He lives like a king and he deserves it. I love him verymuch and enjoy every single day with him since I adopted him 10 years ago.

I thought about the article the entire evening and decided to finish reading it. It was joyful to read about the progress Houston’s BARC has made in its live-release rate and recognized as a “no kill” shelter. I would like to thank all those animal shelter volunteers who have the courage to work in such a difficult environmen­t.

Kenneth Orr, Katy


Regarding “Texas’ positivity rate reaches 18.74 percent, highest since late July,” (Dec. 30): Where is Marvin Zindler when we need him? Houston needs someone, some hero, to quietly visit the businesses that we must engage with during this pandemic surge and calmly report the number of customer-facing employees who are not wearingmas­ks, or who are sporting the useless “halfmasks” where the nose is not covered. “Slime in the icemachine” may have been a health risk, but it is nothing compared to the risk fromthe socially irresponsi­ble behavior we seem to be quietly tolerating today.

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