Houston Chronicle Sunday

911 needed for many things

- Robert Campbell, Katy

Crenshaw’s plan ludicrous

Regarding “Bad blood has developed between Dan Crenshaw and Lizzie Fletcher. How did we get here?” (Sept.17): I have been fortunate to have called 911 only three times in my life. Once was for a fire, so firefighte­rs were needed. The other two times were for medical emergencie­s, where I requested paramedics and ambulances. The first time was when I was in sixth grade, my dad was working out of state, and I walked in to find my mom having a seizure on the floor. I was very grateful for 911 services then, because I really didn’t know what else to do other than call them.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw thinks we should block federal 911 funding to areas that have or even considered reducing the law enforcemen­t budget. But 911 call centers do so much more than send police. I realize that I am a sample of one, and therefore not representa­tive of the state, but as I said, my experience is zero for three on calling 911 for police but three for three on calling 911 for other emergencie­s. Mr. Crenshaw might want to remember that when he says we don’t need federal funding for 911 call centers.

Jean Tanner, Houston

It’s not about convenienc­e

Regarding “Opinion: Republican­s fought for Black rights 155 years ago. Now they’re limiting them,” (Sept. 17): I have a question for the letter writer whining about Democrats who are whining about the inconvenie­nce of the new Texas voting laws. Why should voting be inconvenie­nt at all? Voting is an earned right, not some privilege granted to us lesser citizens by our lofty Legislatur­e. We live in an age of technology-enabled convenienc­e. I can file my taxes online. I can see my doctor via laptop. I can deposit checks with my cellphone. All securely. Yet for some reason, the Texas GOP is stuck in the 1950s, hellbent on throwing partisan roadblocks in the path of representa­tive democracy. It has nothing to do with securing elections that they themselves, out of the other sides of their mouths, have deemed secure — because, of course, that would cast doubt on their own legitimacy. No. This is an attempt to game the system, to entrench minority rule and to hold onto power that they no longer deserve.

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