Houston Chronicle

Storing cooking fat: the sequel

- Heloise@Heloise.com Heloise P.O. Box 795000 San Antonio, TX 78279-5000 King Features Syndicate

Dear Readers:

Recently, a reader shared her hint about storing cooking fat in a glass jar, in the freezer, before garbage day. Here are just a couple of readers’ hints on the subject.

• Lori J., via email, said: “Simply keep the fat in a container in the fridge, rather than the freezer. On a cat-litter-changing day, pour the fat into the soiled litter, which will absorb it. Put it in the trash as usual.” Heloise here: I do hope it is put into a plastic bag!

• Clifford W. in Louisiana wrote: “I have found that used laundry-detergent bottles also can be used to pour that excess fat or used grease into. I store it under the sink until it is full, and then I put it out in the trash. The odor of the detergent residue in the bottle also cuts down on the smell.” Heloise here: Please be sure that the grease is cool — it might melt the plastic jug!


Dear Heloise:

When baking a cake or muffins, the instructio­ns often say to test for doneness with a toothpick or knife. If it comes out clean, the product is cooked. For me, a toothpick often is too short, and a knife can mess up the appearance.

Then I found something that works perfectly! I bought a package of 100 wooden barbecue skewers that are 10 inches long and very inexpensiv­e. They work great! I won’t use anything else.

Louise G., Neptune, N. J.

Dear Heloise:

To save money and eat healthy, I usually pack a lunch for work. I mainly make salads, but I kept having a problem with the salad dressing. I didn’t want the dressing already on the salad.

I took an empty, glass spice jar and cleaned it. The lid screws on tight, so I can place salad dressing in it and not worry about it


Kim J., Kansas City, Mo.

A two-for-one hint — save money and eat well!


Dear Heloise:

I love using my microplane for grating lemon, lime and orange zests. And it’s great for using on Parmesan and other hard cheeses. But I also discovered that I can use it for grating garlic and fresh ginger.

Wendy C., via email

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