Houston Chronicle

Zoo jubilant after kidnapped goat is found safe


PHOENIX — Like a scene out of a Hollywood tearjerker, a baby pygmy goat that vanished from the Arizona State Fair came home to his mother Thursday surrounded by TV cameras and jubilant fairgoers.

Dozens of employees and visitors burst into applause as GusGus was gently placed in the pen where he was last seen. Several people huddled to watch mother and kid reunite below a “Welcome Home GusGus!” banners.

Fair livestock director Karen Searle said a man walking his dog along a canal in Phoenix found GusGus and took him to a pet store, where an attentive worker reached out to the State Fair.

GusGus was hungry and tired, but not injured.

Finding him was especially urgent because he cannot survive without his mother’s milk. The miniature goat weighs less than 5 pounds and is still nursing. Born last month, he also has not received all his shots. Fair workers say they wish they could meet the man who found GusGus but that he didn’t even leave his name at the pet store.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank him,” petting zoo manager Emilie Owen said. “He literally saved GusGus’ life by finding him.”

Someone took tiny GusGus from his pen Wednesday evening. The alleged kidnapping sparked disbelief and legions of followers on social media. “In over 30 years that we’ve been doing this, I have never had anything like this happen,” Owen said.

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