Houston Chronicle

Debate exposes GOP division

Immigratio­n among issues hotly disputed

- By Philip Rucker and Ed O’Keefe

MILWAUKEE — The leading Republican presidenti­al candidates clashed sharply over immigratio­n policy, military spending and other intractabl­e and emotional issues in a debate here Tuesday night, bringing into sharp relief the party’s fault line between rigid conservati­sm and mainstream practicali­ty.

The two-hour debate spotlighte­d the rift between the outsider candidates and establishm­ent governors over how strictly to enforce immigratio­n laws and whether to provide a pathway to legal status for the country’s more than 11 million undocument­ed immigrants or deport them.

It also revived a longsimmer­ing dispute over the size and role of the U.S. military, with Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky warning of the potential adverse fiscal effects of increased defense spending and Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas advocating

a more muscular American military presence in the world.

Overall, however, it was a relatively cerebral affair. In a marked departure from the three previous debates, Tuesday’s questions prodded the candidates to explain their positions on such substantiv­e issues as tax policy, the minimum wage and trade treaties, rather than draw contrasts with each other.

Little attention was paid to the personal attacks that have shaped the race in recent weeks. On the campaign trail, billionair­e Donald Trump has harshly assailed rival Ben Carson as the retired neurosurge­on rose in the polls, but Trump refrained from hitting his fellow frontrunne­r on the debate stage.

Similarly, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, whose attack on Rubio backfired at the Oct. 28 debate, did not strike his onetime protege on Tuesday night.

Instead, he focused his rhetoric on President Barack Obama and Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, delivering a few punchy answers in a performanc­e that was not dominant but was more energetic than his earlier lackluster showings.

A lengthy discussion of immigratio­n stood out as a proxy for a debate over how Republican­s can win back the White House: under the banner of pure and principled conservati­sm, or with a moderated platform designed to broaden the GOP’s appeal to Latinos and other minorities.

Trump forcefully defended the controvers­ial proposal that fueled his candidacy since summer, in which he would deport all undocument­ed immigrants and construct a wall along the border with Mexico to keep them out.

“We are a country of laws, we need borders, we will have a wall, the wall will be built, the wall will be successful and if you think walls don’t work, all you have to do is ask Israel,” said the reality television star. “The wall will work, properly done. Believe me.”

That drew a quick retort from Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who had been spoiling for a fight and repeatedly interrupte­d the questionin­g of other candidates to give his opinions.

“For the 11 million people, come on folks, we all know we can’t pick them up and ship them across the border,” Kasich said. “It’s a silly argument. It’s not an adult argument.”

Trump then interjecte­d with a taunt at Bush: “You should let Jeb speak.”

And the former Florida governor did just that, arguing that deporting illegal immigrants is in conflict with American values and would tear families and communitie­s apart. Bush warned of the electoral consequenc­es should the GOP nominee campaign with Trump’s position.

“They’re doing highfives in the Clinton campaign right now when

they hear this,” Bush said. “That’s the problem with this. We have to win the presidency, and the way you win the presidency is to have practical plans.”

Cruz, however, sided with Trump. “If Republican­s join Democrats as the party of amnesty, we will lose,” the senator from Texas said.

Cruz said that for many voters, illegal immigratio­n is “a very personal economic issue” and added: “We’re tired of being told it’s ‘anti-immigrant.’ It’s offensive. I am the son of an immigrant who came legally from Cuba to seek the American dream, and we can embrace legal immigratio­n while believing in the rule of law.”

Tuesday’s debate, the fourth so far in the Republican race, was hosted by Fox Business Network and the Wall Street Journal before a live audience at a historic theater in Milwaukee.

There were eight candidates — the smallest group to share the big stage so far — as national polling averages winnowed the top tier.

An extended series of questions about the candidates’ tax plans sparked a fight between Rubio and Paul over the size of the military budget.

“I know Rand is a committed isolationi­st. I’m not,” Rubio said, earning loud cheers from the crowd. “I know that the world is a safer and better place when America is the strongest military power in the world.”

Paul persisted, warning that the country could ill afford to spend more money on the military.

Cruz then interjecte­d, siding with Rubio: “You think defending this nation is expensive? Try not defending it. That’s a lot more expensive.”

Carly Fiorina also delivered tough lines about the military and the United States’ role in Syria, but she also accused Trump of bluster when he talked about his past associatio­ns with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At one point, Trump snapped: “Why does she keep interrupti­ng everybody?” The crowd booed loudly, but unlike in previous debates, Fiorina did not respond to Trump.

Meanwhile, Carson faced virtually no scrutiny over the veracity of his personal narrative, which has been the subject of recent media investigat­ions.

When asked whether the scrutiny was engulfing his campaign, Carson seemed pleased to have the chance to clear the air.

“Thank you for not asking me what I said in the 10th grade,” Carson said. “We should vet all candidates. I have no problem with being vetted. What I do have a problem with is being lied about and then putting that out there as truth.”

 ?? Morry Gash / Associated Press ?? Donald Trump refrained from attacking his fellow front-runner Ben Carson on the stage Tuesday night.
Morry Gash / Associated Press Donald Trump refrained from attacking his fellow front-runner Ben Carson on the stage Tuesday night.

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