Houston Chronicle

Keystone XL pipeline


China’s gain

Regarding “Keystone denial piles on oil’s woes” (Page A1, Saturday), President Obama finally made a decision and rejected the Keystone pipeline after years of supposed anguish. You could almost hear the cheering from the Saudis across the pond. Sound science and technology got trumped by the 10 percent elite environmen­tal extremists who jet around the world to protest fossil fuel but want the rest of us to park our cars.

Even the State Department had said the environmen­tal impact of the pipeline would be “negligible.” Bakken crude from North Dakota will continue to be transporte­d by rail, which is several times more dangerous than by pipeline.

Don’t feel sorry for Canada. If its supposed friends reject their crude, I’m sure Asia will be glad to have a steady supply.

George Eynon, Humble


President Obama said his Keystone pipeline decision was based on the effects on the global environmen­t.

Now, crude oil from Canada won’t be refined in the U.S., where our pollution standards are higher than they are in China, and China is where that oil will now be processed.

Obama’s decision will clearly do more to hurt the global environmen­t than he’ll ever admit.

A.P. Greenwood, Houston

Green power

President Obama gave a victory to the environmen­talists, but blocking the Keystone XL pipeline will damage our environmen­t.

The oil will continue to flow to the U.S. on trains, trucks and barges. The train engines burn oil and pollute our air; the truck engines and barge engines do the same.

The sealed pipeline burns minimal fuel to move the oil so our environmen­t is the loser in this deal as are the people who breathe the polluted air.

Jimmy Dunne, Houston

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